Phantom, Ravencoin and HUH Token Emerge From The Crypto Shadows Victorious

Phantom, Ravencoin and HUH Token Emerge From The Crypto Shadows Victorious

Phantom, Ravencoin and HUH Token are emerging from the shadows cast by larger and longer-running cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and are challenging the world’s idea of crypto, blockchain and what it can do for them.

It seems that the likes of these three cryptocurrencies are making leaps and bounds in the area of satisfaction for holders and investors and with it are emerging victorious amongst their peers in the crypto sphere.

In fact, the three cryptocurrencies are bringing together the all-important peer-to-peer interactions that traditional and digital finance have often left out.

I’m here to explain to you, why these three altcoins have that magic touch, and with it, why thousands of investors are flocking to Phantom, Ravencoin and HUH Token and in turn, increasing the value of these currencies, exchanges and wallets.

Why Are They From The Shadows

It can be difficult, to create a name for yourself in a market where it seems that something new appears every 24 hours. However, Phantom, Ravencoin and HUH Token have managed to soar through the shadows and arrive at the desired level of operating: sustained.

Though, you’re probably wondering how this was achieved… let’s take a look at Phantom first.


Phantom is an extension of the Solana-verse and with it, creates a crypto wallet that is safer and easier to use. You, the Solana holder can send, receive, swap, stake and store tokens on Solana’s blockchain.

Phantom also offers the ability to use your standard web browser to access crypto apps that you love, meaning that you needn’t download a menagerie of different apps and clutter your phone displays.

This revolution is one of the reasons that Phantom has come out of the figurative shadows and with it, dolled in a new age of crypto wallets… that could, potentially, draw more Solana investors and I, for one, see this happening.

Though it seems that Phantom didn’t fly from the shadows alone…




Let’s take a look at Ravencoin, and why this blockchain is becoming the favoured creator and transferrer of digital assets… in a crypto instant.

Ravencoin is becoming one of vastly spoken about exchanges on the market, and its association with Bitcoin might have something to do with that, however, it’s not the only draw investors have to Ravencoin.

Ravencoin has been based on a Bitcoin code fork, and with it, allows the token holder to decide the form and purpose of their Ravencoin that can be issued as collectables or securities.

In fact, Ravencoin can represent project shares, virtual goods, digital and physical assets and credit meaning that you might just be able to use Ravencoin from cradle to grave, as the old saying goes.

It’s no wonder that Ravencoin is one of the most popular tokens on the market at this time, and with it, why its value is increasing because it has real-world application and value.

Sourced: @DailyRavencoin

HUH Token

HUH Token launched recently and with it, created a multichain token that could potentially offer holders greater safety from the volatility of the cryptocurrency market.

However, this isn’t what makes the crypto a shadow emerger… it’s the ethos behind their growth power: influence.

HUH Token, on the 19th of January, will launch another section of their ambitious road map, with hundreds of influencers taking to the waves of social media to explain why they’re invested in HUH Token… remarkably, this will increase the value of the token for hundreds of new and seasoned holders of HUH Token.

The utimeme, HUH, could foresee what is to come from tokens in the future… and newer currencies might take many pages from HUH Tokens playbook, like creating sentiment tokens when their MetHUH launches and with it, bringing investor and cryptocurrency closer together.

The multichain bridge for HUH Tokens revolutionary way of thinking is AnySwap!

You can check out HUH Token at the links beneath and find Phantom and Ravencoin on their home pages!

Remember, to always do your research before buying into cryptocurrency.


HUH Official Swap:
