Over 12,000% Crypto Price Increases Last Year – Can Terra, Polygon and HUH Token Replicate The Results

Over 12,000% Crypto Price Increases Last Year – Can Terra, Polygon and HUH Token Replicate The Results

Terra and Polygon had an excellent year and will be aiming to accelerate their progress even further this year. HUH Token is a newer cryptocurrency that would like to join the ever-growing list of successful cryptocurrencies. Being a new token gives a lot of room to grow as is evident when looking at Terra and Polygon as their previous price points this year were very small. As projects continue to grow they can suddenly explode in popularity.

Examining the performance of Terra and Polygon will demonstrate the magnitude of the cryptocurrency market. The average return rate across a year in stocks and shares is around 10%, keep this number in mind as we compare it to the gains of these cryptocurrencies.  As a base line, investing $1000 dollars in stocks and shares would result in $1100 being returned at the end of the year with our 10% average.

2021 Astonishing Returns

Terra was once worth around $0.80 per LUNA, a long way from its current worth today. Using $1000 to purchase at this time would have resulted in around 1250 LUNA, depending on when you purchased the crypto. Selling that LUNA at its highest price just after 2021, which was $99.72, would have resulted in a return of $124,650. As you may imagine, this return on investment is much higher than our baseline. This is an increase of just over 12,000%

Polygon experienced a steady climb throughout 2021 and started the year at around $0.02. A $1000 investment would have then resulted in a buyer receiving around 50,000 MATIC. MATIC is the native currency for Polygon. Selling that MATIC at the end of 2021 for the all-time high price of $2.87 would have returned an incredible $143,500. This increase in market price of just under 10,000% once again demonstrates how lucrative the cryptocurrency world.

While these returns are very impressive and could lead many to the conclusion to throw their money into projects carelessly, this is not the case. Cryptocurrencies can be volatile and are still finding their place in the real world, always do your own research and never invest more than you can afford to lose.

A Future Project To Follow

These returns were made across an entire year even when the road may have looked slightly wobbly. This demonstrates the importance of picking future projects that investors could see having use and value in the future. Day to day trading is incredibly difficult and requires a degree of luck, long term strategies tend to succeed more often.

HUH Token has many promising announcements that have drawn the gaze of many. HUH Token announced that next month they will be releasing a blockchain game, this is a very popular area in the current cryptocurrency market.

In addition to this, HUH Token have stated they will be delivering unique NFTs to those who joined in the presale. Further down the line, HUH Token have an aim on their roadmap to finish their NFT marketplace which could also prove to be successful.

Finally, the main use of HUH Token could be their social platform that is under development. This is an underexplored area of cryptocurrency and if executed well then the potential returns could exceed that of Terra and Polygon in a shorter amount of time.

HUH Token could be worth tracking as they release more information. With this in mind, the longer someone waits the more of the profits they sacrifice if they project does end up going to the moon.


Learn More About HUH Token Here:

Website: https://huh.social

HUH Official Swap: https://swap.huh.social/

Telegram: https://t.me/HUHTOKEN

Twitter: https://twitter.com/HuhToken

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/huhToken/