Innovation in Mental Health and Wellbeing Offerings For Employees

Innovation in Mental Health and Wellbeing Offerings For Employees

Employers and managers should be taking steps to reduce mental health issues in the workplace and offering their employees access to effective initiatives.

Mental health affects all of us. It affects our work, our relationships, and the way we see ourselves. It is estimated that one in four people will suffer from mental health problems at some point in their lives. However, mental illness is not a life sentence. With the right help and support, many people can recover and lead full and happy lives which includes staying in employment.

People living and working in cities around the world are facing increased pressure on their mental health leading to growing concern about stress, depression, and burnout. Stress affects us all: we live busy lives, our attention is pulled in multiple directions and we face uncertainty, often juggling competing responsibilities. So how do we face this increasing pressure of living and working in the city? How can we cope with all our daily demands, bounce back more quickly when things go wrong, and build mental resilience?

Mental health is not something that only affects some people, it’s an issue for everyone. We all need to maintain our mental wellbeing so we can live and work to our fullest potential.

Innovative Ways to Reduce Mental Health in The Workplace

It’s crucial employers and managers take steps to reduce mental health issues in the workplace and offer their employees access to effective and evidence-based initiatives.

View Investing in Mental Health as Investing in Your Business

Taking steps to support the mental well-being of employees is one of the most important investments a business can make. Employee mental health and wellbeing often correlates with productivity and retention and decreases absenteeism and accidents and associated costs.

Investing in employee wellbeing is good business – the cost of poor mental health to UK employers alone has been estimated at £26 billion each year. UK healthcare company Latus Health recently launched the world’s first connected health platform, Yodha, which offers an innovative way for businesses to engage with their employees and build their investment in employee wellbeing.

Take Steps to Support Diverse Employee Groups

Businesses need to take steps to ensure workplace culture reflects the diversity of their employees and customers. Wellbeing support should be provided in line with all employee wellbeing initiatives, including Employee Health Surveys and Employee Self-Assessments.

As well as recognising employees are diverse in terms of race, gender identity, sexuality, religion, age and disabilities. Employee mental health initiatives should be proactive in engaging with employee groups who may have specific needs or experience higher rates of mental illness.

Wellbeing at Work And at Home

Well-being at work and at home is a priority for many employees. This is especially important to those who seek a healthy work-life balance and have a desire to maintain their mental strength in everything they do. Employee support also plays an integral role in the overall wellness of organisations, safeguarding against poor productivity or high staff turnover.

Employers have a moral and social responsibility to support their employees’ mental health. This includes ensuring they can access services that will address mental health issues and that all workplaces provide the right culture to ensure staff who need help or support, receive it.

Employers are now able to access workplace mental health and wellbeing support through a number of innovative and effective programmes, and research suggests that many employers are still unaware of just how important these services can be. Latus Health can provide a range of expertise, experience and resources to help employees access the right support at the right time, and support employers to provide the right level of provision to their employees.

Safe Spaces in Work

Safe spaces in work are a trend that is taking hold in offices across the world. This type of provision gives employees who are experiencing high levels of stress, depression or other mental health issues access to short-term support. Safe spaces can be used by staff individually or with their peers, and provide an outlet for them to be able to express themselves confidently without fear of judgement.

Safe spaces in work are designed so staff feel comfortable and can easily access support when they need it.

The benefits of safe spaces in work:

– Employee will have a designated place to go if he or she is feeling stressed, low, or just needs to talk

– Employee is able to take a break from their everyday tasks and responsibilities and focus on their mental health

– Employees can access online counselling and other resources that can help them manage their mental health

– Employees will not feel as though they are a burden on their colleagues or managers

Each safe space is unique to the individual, but they can include areas such as a quiet room with calming décor and music, a mediation zone or a dedicated space for yoga.

Employees can use these spaces when they need them, accessing support from a range of therapists who specialise in different areas.

4-day Working Week and flexible working

A four-day working week is a trend that seems to be growing in popularity, with many employees now beginning to work just Monday through Thursday during their standard hours.

Employees taking this option don’t have to take annual leave and can continue to receive the same salary as they would when working five days a week.

In addition, this scheme also has great benefits for employees’ physical and mental health.

The benefits of a four-day working week include:

– Employee works fewer hours each week, giving them more time to spend with family or friends

– Employee gets to take some extra time off every year if they wish

– Employee is able to get more involved in local communities

– Employee has the opportunity to pursue an interest outside of work which can lead to improved mental wellbeing

Are Health Apps Good for Mental Health?

There is an increasing number of digital health technologies, like Yodha, which aim to help people manage their mental and physical wellbeing by encouraging them to engage in healthy activities.

Many companies believe that the effective use of these apps can lead to increased engagement, wellbeing and ultimately increased productivity in the workplace. Employee support can also play a big role in helping employees to have a better outlook on life and to lead healthier lifestyles.

Workplace mental health and wellbeing is becoming a significant part of the global conversation, and employers and employees alike are recognising that it can be extremely beneficial in helping them thrive at work. Each year, more innovative programmes with even greater benefits for both employer and employee are being rolled out globally. Employee wellbeing is an exciting field with many exciting possibilities for the future. 

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