Why Chronoly (CRNO) Could Become The Next Dogecoin (DOGE)

Why Chronoly (CRNO) Could Become The Next Dogecoin (DOGE)

Dogecoin (DOGE) was actually invented as a joke and is where the ‘moon’ term came from. People used to say back in the day we won’t sell dogecoin until it reaches the moon. Well it well and truly did reach the moon last year, peaking to third on the most valued crypto currency. Elon Musk mentioned that tesla would soon accept dogecoin as a payment method and everyone thought the $1 price would soon be hit. That didn’t happen as it was just a hype, dogecoin has no real use case behind it. It was invented as a spoof of Bitcoin (BTC). Comparing it with any utility token like Chronoly (CRNO) will be an injustice. Analysts have seen dogecoin holders sell off their holding for this new project called Chronoly (CRNO) Let’s discuss a little more below.

Dogecoin (DOGE)

Dogecoin (DOGE) is one of many thousands of cryptocurrencies. However, unlike many other digital currencies created to address a problem, Dogecoin (DOGE) was created to mock Bitcoin and the absurdity of purchasing a digital asset that was not backed by any asset or cash flow. Dogecoin (DOGE) is now worth money, and the tables have turned.

Like most other cryptocurrencies, Dogecoin (DOGE) is not backed by any assets or cash flow. Its price is solely decided by what other people are willing to pay. In contrast, the underlying company’s performance drives long-term price appreciation in a stock. As a result, Dogecoin’s appreciation depends on speculators being even more optimistic, or what is known as the “greater fool theory of investing.”

For these reasons, investing legends like Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger of Berkshire Hathaway steer cryptocurrencies and advise investors to do the same.

Chronoly (CRNO)

On the other hand, Chronoly (CRNO) is a utility-based project and is backed by real world appreciating assets – rare and exclusive luxury watches that over time have shown a large appreciation in price. We saw the downfall of the UST, which was not actually a ‘stablecoin’ and was not backed by anything. Chronoly (CRNO) couldn’t have come at a better time with investors looking to secure their crypto funds in projects that have real assets pegged to prices. In short we believe it to be a far better investment than Dogecoin (DOGE).

Let’s have an overview of the project:

Chronoly.io (CRNO), which is now in its presale phase and is tipped by analysts to rise another 25x during the presale period, introduces a brilliant new idea to the market. It is a cryptocurrency project that allows investors to exchange luxury watches like stocks. Each NFT on their marketplace is a fragment connected to a physical watch. If an investor holds 100 percent of the watch NFTs, this watch is authenticated, vaulted, and may be redeemed at any moment from a secure vault , then transported by a secure courier to one of over 120 destinations worldwide.

With a presale beginning price of $0.01, and being 100% already Chronoly (CRNO) is now on sale for $0.02. Many specialists predict that the price will rise to $0.50 by July 28th, providing a favorable opportunity for those who want to buy tokens early. The Chronoly (CRNO) marketplace is based on the Ethereum blockchain, and the company plans to work with various metaverses to allow holders to digitally display their watch collection online, according to its whitepaper. They also want to launch a decentralized ledger that will enable anybody to authenticate used luxury watches and track their ownership history.

This is a relatively untapped market, and Nike has only hinted that its NFTs may be exchanged for sneakers in the future. Let us not forget that its sale on May 5, 2022, resulted in record numbers. In less than 22 minutes, almost 9.5 million Chronoly (CRNO) were sold. As a result, the value is expected to grow as it is one of the most promising blockchain prospects. The pick of the week goes to Chronoly. Its now T2E (Time 2 Earn), get your presale tokens from the link below.

Presale: https://presale.chronoly.io/register

Website: https://chronoly.io/

Telegram: https://t.me/Chronolyio

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Chronolyio