Can a locksmith make a key without the original?

Can a locksmith make a key without the original?

As humans, we are more likely to make mistakes and losing a key can be one. One can even lock themselves out of their cars and homes accidentally. Any of these situations can give rise to the need to find a locksmith. Just as common as it is to lose the keys, being unaware of their job responsibilities is also not uncommon. Nevertheless, it is now time to get a clearer perspective about what a locksmith can do for you:

What all does a locksmith do?

Locksmiths are professionals who perform different operations related to locks. The responsibilities of their job can include installation, repair, and replacing keys and locks. They can operate on cars, residences, and commercial spaces. Finding one is also no big deal! All you need to do is search for locksmith Atlanta.

Coming back to the original question, you can reach a locksmith to make keys without the original one. In fact, there are different ways for them to do that, and the list for the same includes:

Locating a code for the key

Using code to locate a code is a simple way to make a new key without the original one. These key codes are numbers and letters which tell about a lock’s specifications. A locksmith can enter the software or determine its description manually and find the keycodes in the lock cylinder, paperwork, or labels. He will have to identify the correct code and the right key. After that, the process would require him to print a card and add the code to the cutting machine properly.

Making an impression

A locksmith can also make the impression of the lock to make a key without needing to decode the lock. The process would require a blank key and a set of equipment. He will put that inside the lock and turn it into the inner side of the locks cylinder, and the term binding defines this process. It allows him to learn about the areas of the keys that they have to file. In it, the keys leave marks after being pressed against it several times. To ensure the cuts, he will have to repeat these steps several times. Moreover, you can reach an experienced locksmith Duluth, or any other city.

Disassembling a lock

When making the impression seems tricky, disassembling can be the next step your locksmith can think of. It allows him to reverse engineer the pins present inside. It can help him cut key blanks into specifications of the settings of new pins. After this, you can have a lock as new as it was never replaced. Disassembling the lock has to be done by trained professionals only as any lack of expertise can damage the mechanics of the locks.

The Bottom line

 Anyone can get locked outside their home or simply lose their keys. If you are one, you do not have to worry about getting a new key, as a locksmith can get it done for you. He can create a new key without having the original key and has different ways to do that, including locating a key, making an impression, and even disassembling the lock.

So, the bottom line is that if you get stuck in a situation where you cannot access your old key, you can get in touch with a locksmith. You can do it without even breaking a sweat or worrying about anything. All you need to do is go online and search for a locksmith Atlanta, supposing that is the city where you live.