5 Questions to Ask a Contract Packaging Company Before Taking up their Services

5 Questions to Ask a Contract Packaging Company Before Taking up their Services

Whether you are a small start-up or a large conglomerate, it is best to outsource the packaging of your products.

The reason is a) they have dedicated managers who take care of your product’s packaging at every stage in the process, and b) you save the cost of storage and management of supplies.

But, before you decide to take up food co packing services, it would be best for you to have a few questions in your arsenal. The five questions we are about to discuss will extensively ease the hiring process and help you find the best co-packing company.

So, let’s take a look:

  1. How many units can you produce in a day?

Every company wants to grow more prominent in the times to come. Therefore, this question is essential for both a start-up and a large organization.

A company with limited capacity can’t take you far enough and may not be able to meet your future expectations.

Also, it would be costly for your company to halt production midway, just in case the supply lines get overwhelmed with demands.

Thus, by asking this question, you can ascertain whether you can work with the company in the long run or not.

  1. Will you provide a dedicated manager for my production?

The packing process comprises various stages from inventory store to final labeling. Any downtime at any stage will disrupt the supply line and eventually lead to a decline in sales.

Therefore, the company should provide a dedicated manager to look after all the stages and report the everyday work to your team.

Moreover, the co-packing company should have dedicated on-site engineers and technicians to fix machine breakdowns instantly.

  1. What is your experience?

This question is essential to ensure that your co-packing partner is used-to pressure situations. An overwhelmed and demoralized co-packing team is the last thing you need in the middle of your business operations.

An experienced team knows how to deal with the heat and deliver the expected units within time. Their staff is likely to be well-versed with current market demands of your food product and will work swiftly towards fulfilling it.

Moreover, you can check the online reviews, ratings and testimonials to see what customers think about their services.

  1. What equipment do you use, and how do you store my goods?

Managing floor space is crucial for a company. It would be best to pick a company with a dedicated storage section for perishable food items. The storage spaces should be well-managed and maintained too.

Tracking the shipments is also paramount in today’s time. Therefore, you need to check their tracking and surveillance systems.

Moreover, the equipment’s quality also significantly affects the overall output. A quality machine would be able to work efficiently without any downtime. So, you must inquire about their machines and their maintenance drills too.

  1. Do you provide digital printing services too?

The world has gone digital. Today, packaging designs should be versatile enough to represent a business both online and offline.

Customized digital prints can engage customers online and persuade them to buy the product. That is why digital printing services are of immense value.  Therefore, ask your co-packing company about their experience in digital printing.

Final Thoughts

A product’s packaging can negatively influence a customer’s mind. That is why finding a company that aligns with your thoughts, understands your product segment and answers all five questions positively is paramount.

So, integrate these five questions into your arsenal before you call co-packing companies for no-obligation quotes.