Deciding to Relocate Your Business

Deciding to Relocate Your Business

Businesses that operate in urban areas do so for the tremendous opportunity, large population, and growth potential. Rarely do their owners imagine it could all fade away with a quick change of regulations designed to control and limit the population to curb a disease. Fear and paranoia can quickly wipe away years of business building, leaving business owners with few options for survival should they decide to remain in place.

Large businesses with tons of assets, data, servers, equipment, etc. have much planning to do to organize such a move. In fact, they may wish to review a relocation checklist to devise a plan prior to making any major decisions.

Big businesses stand to save a lot of money in overhead by relocating to rural areas and southern states. New York City happens to be one of the most expensive cities to maintain a business and it was not very friendly to businesses struggling to survive pandemic restrictions. Add the rise in crime and increased probability of theft and you have a recipe for hardship ahead.

The complexity of the move depends on the distance, the types of equipment, and changes needed to upgrade or replace old systems prior to setting up at the new location.

Although most major moves were done to prepare for business growth, more are now moving out of state to operate efficiently and economically. While restrictions have grown more severe in many cities, costs of living and operating have increased, leaving little wiggle room for profitability.

Limiting Uncertainty

Few feel comforted that their stores are fully open again. Many fear that an upcoming election comes with many uncertainties and the likelihood of closures to put forth an agenda seems likely. There have already been whispers of new virus variations sweeping across Africa.

One thing does seem certain; if you remain in the populated cities, your business will suffer more severe restrictions that smaller cities and rural neighborhoods.

In retrospect, the severe restrictions did not change the course of the virus nor eliminate the possibility of a new variation coming along to create more disruptions. The problem was not the virus alone, it was the way our leadership chose to handle it. Many business owners were left feeling that their leaders were not looking out for their best interests and were, in fact, enjoying freedoms they were denying their residents.

For that reason, many have come to understand that their best efforts to survive and thrive will be thwarted by the people in power if there is something for them to gain by closing the cities.

Moving out of state takes careful planning and funding but the long-term benefits may outweigh the initial costs and inconveniences. The move is not just about money; it is about enjoying the freedoms we were given, breathing the air around us and having normal social contact with our friends and family. When all quality of life is lost, there are few reasons to remain in a congested city.