Where can you get a Golden Visa With Minimum Expenses

Where can you get a Golden Visa With Minimum Expenses

Investment citizenship, also known as “golden visa” or “citizenship by investment” programs, is a way for individuals to obtain citizenship in a foreign country by making a significant investment. These programs have grown in popularity in recent years, as they offer a number of benefits, such as the ability to travel visa-free to many countries, access to better education and healthcare, and potential tax savings.

Which Countries Provide Citizenship by Investment

When it comes to getting a passport by investment, one of the most popular options is the program offered by the Caribbean island of St. Kitts and Nevis. The country offers citizenship in exchange for a non-refundable donation to the Sugar Industry Diversification Foundation (SIDF) which ranges from $150,000 for a single applicant to $195,000 for a family of four. The processing fee is added to the donation, which is $20,000 for a single applicant and $25,000 for a family of four. This program is the most affordable one among other Caribbean countries and it is processed relatively fast, around 4-6 months.

Another option for the cheapest investment citizenship is the program offered by the Commonwealth of Dominica. The country offers citizenship in exchange for a non-refundable donation to the government which starts at $100,000 for a single applicant, with additional fee of $50,000 processing fee and due diligence. The processing time is around 3-4 months, making it one of the faster programs available.

Antigua and Barbuda also offers an affordable program with a minimum investment of $100,000 in real estate or $200,000 in the National Development Fund, with processing fees of $25,000 for a single applicant and $50,000 for a family of four, processing time is around 4-6 months.

Other programs such as the one offered by Malta and Cyprus are more expensive, with a minimum investment requirement of at least $1.5 million and $2.5 million respectively.

It’s important to note that, regardless of the affordability of these programs, all the countries listed above have stringent due diligence process to make sure only the most eligible individuals are accepted.

Required Documents

The specific documents required for an investment citizenship application can vary depending on the country and program you are applying for, but in general, you will likely need to provide the following:

  1. A copy of your current and valid passport is typically required.
  2. You will need to fill out and submit an application form.
  3. Several passport-style photographs will be required.
  4. You will need to provide proof of your investment, such as a real estate purchase agreement or wire transfer receipt.
  5. You may need to provide a criminal background check from your home country, as well as any country you have lived in for more than six months in the past ten years.
  6. To prove that you are in good health, you will be required to provide a health certificate
  7. Some countries may also require you to provide proof of your current residence, such as a utility bill or lease agreement.
  8. You may be asked to provide financial documents, such as bank statements and tax returns, to demonstrate your ability to make the investment required for the program.
  9.  Each country have their own fees for the due diligence process

It’s important to note that these are just some of the most common documents required for an investment citizenship application, and the specific requirements may vary depending on the country and program. Additionally, for applications involving family members such as your spouse and children, additional documents, such as birth certificates and marriage certificates may be required. It is recommended that you consult with a lawyer or immigration professional to get a comprehensive understanding of the specific documents required for the program you are applying for.


When considering investment citizenship, it’s important to keep in mind that the cheapest option may not necessarily be the best option for you. It’s important to consider the specific benefits and limitations of each program, as well as the reputation and stability of the country offering the program.

In conclusion, St. Kitts and Nevis, Dominica and Antigua and Barbuda offer the most affordable investment citizenship programs, with minimum investments ranging from $100,000 to $200,000. These programs are processed relatively fast, with a processing time of around 3-6 months. While these programs may be the cheapest options available, it’s important to consider the specific benefits and limitations of each program, as well as the reputation and stability of the country offering the program, before making a decision.