8 Benefits of Hiring a Debt Collection Agency

To keep your business growing, you must collect payment for your products and services. Some clients settle their accounts on time, but some are less reliable – leaving you with unpaid invoices. 

Businesses expect customers to pay on time, but it’s not always the situation. You may not have the time to make frequent phone calls or write letters to collect debts. If your demands for payment have always been unsuccessful, hiring a debt collection agency can benefit your business.

What is debt collection?

Often referred to as ‘creditors,’ debt collectors are third-party companies that work on behalf of another company to collect overdue debts from borrowers. These unpaid debts can be anything, including:

  • Personal loans debt
  • Medical loans debt
  • Car loans debt
  • Credit car loans debt
  • Student loans debt
  • Utility loans debt
  • Phone bills debt
  • Appliance loans debt

The debt collection process might vary based on the third-party company you choose. Some agencies only deal with particular debt, like personal loans or appliance debt. Others might deal with debt that’s only a few years old. 

How does debt collection work?

Debt collectors typically alert borrowers through phone calls or written notices. Once you hire an agency, you will have to share the borrowers’ information, such as their phone numbers and address.  Most often, they will also ask for the contact information of the borrower’s relatives or partner. 

In extreme cases, these creditors will use personal banking information to determine if the borrower can repay the debt. Debt collection agencies handle endless phone calls and spamming text messages to delinquent borrowers.

Why hire a debt collection agency?

Allotting time to make phone calls to remind customers of their overdue debt in between your piling workload can be frustrating. As simple as it sounds, contacting borrowers can take considerable time. Fortunately, a solution to this nagging problem is outsourcing your debt collection process to a third-party company.

Debt Recovery Australia can help you achieve successful debt collection. If you’re interested to know more, here are eight reasons why hiring a collection agency is a smart move for your business:

1. Time & Focus

Business owners have to deal with several things at any given time, and chasing indebted customers should not be one of them. Unlike you, debt collection agencies have only one primary goal – to recover debts. 

Debt collectors can dedicate all their time, energy, and resources to contacting borrowers and collecting funds they owe to your company. This undivided focus enables them to get quick results. Hiring a debt collection firm ensures that your overdue accounts will receive much-needed attention for recovery.

2. Flexibility

Debt collection agencies understand that every business has different needs when recovering debts. Due to this, they offer a wide variety of collection programs where you can choose which suits your business best. Depending on the size of your business, there’s a good program that can help you.

You may hire agencies that pursue debtors for a fixed rate or commission for every amount recovered successfully. Small businesses might find the latter option ideal to maximize their collections budget.

3. Effective Methods

These collectors can access various tools and strategies as professional debt collection agencies. Business owners often hit a dead end when they can’t contact a customer through a text message or phone call. But a debt collector agency can help you track down that customer with a method called ‘skip tracing.’

Top collection agencies use skip tracing, an advanced tactic of locating a debtor who has left or skipped town. In cases where the debtor hasn’t answered any of your calls or messages, this method can come in handy.

Collection agencies have access to resources that helps find clients easier, such as public records databases and credit reporting devices. It helps them access updated contact information to connect with the customers easier.

4. Legal Protection

Nowadays, some laws and regulations dictate how debts should be pursued and collected. The last thing your business needs are to commit a wrong move and cause a legal problem when collecting debts. Not to mention the extra expenses it would cost you.

Their team of highly-trained collectors provides professional services that adhere to these laws. Working with the right collection agency gives your business legal protection without subtracting a chunk of your finances. 

5. Documentation

Debt collectors have detailed records of debtors and their contacts. In cases where you must take the situation to court, these records will come in handy. You can show your extensive efforts to contact your client with detailed documentation.

The documentation is also helpful if you prefer to treat debts as tax deductions. You can show the records as proof that you did your due diligence in trying to collect the money they owed to your business.

6. Professional Tips

Debt recovery agencies specialize in credit management, which means they can offer valuable tips and expert advice to your business. Hiring a professional debt collection agency can teach you a thing or two, from providing suggestions to pursue debtors to strategies to increase cash flow.

7. Litigation 

Professional debt collection agencies have an in-house law firm to assist with whether to file a lawsuit or not. These agencies can perform investigations to provide you with a debtor’s complete history of payment and financial status. Having access to this information increases the odds of successful and profitable litigation. 

8. Successful Recovery

Debt collection firms have years of experience collecting unpaid debts, so they know which methods to use for successful recovery. People pay faster when pursued by debt collection agencies because they offer services that accelerate the payment process faster. 

The Solution To Your Debt Collection Woes!

Allowing a reputable, experienced debt collection agency to handle your outstanding accounts offers many benefits. With the long list of advantages it provides, the most critical effect of outsourcing is freeing up your time. Delegate your collection tasks to the experts and focus on what’s important – your business.




