Relevant questions to ask your car accident lawyer

Relevant questions to ask your car accident lawyer

You were involved in a car wreck in Orange County and now need advice on how to file a claim. If the other driver acted recklessly and caused the accident, you have the right to sue them. It all typically starts with a third-party claim, but if insurance negotiations don’t go as expected, you may have to opt for litigation. One of the first essential steps is to contact a Car accident lawyer. You don’t have to pay a fee to get a case assessment, and this is a good chance to know the attorney better. Here are some relevant questions you must ask when meeting an accident lawyer.

“What is your area of expertise?”

Firstly, always look for a local lawyer in OC who practices personal injury law. Injury lawyers deal with different cases, including nursing home abuse, product defect liability, and medical malpractice. Ask the attorney if they have specific experience with auto accident claims. You need an expert who wouldn’t mind going that extra mile to fight for you, and their expertise is critical for your case.

“What is your initial review of my accident claim?”

Lawyers may have to dig deeper to find what caused the accident or who is liable for your injuries. However, they can give you an assessment based on the initial facts. They can tell you the possible settlement you may expect and factors likely to impact the outcome. Even the best lawyers cannot predict an exact result or promise a certain amount, but they should offer an overview.

“How much do I need to pay for your services? What about other expenses?”

An accident lawyer will take a contingency fee instead of the standard retainer charge. The payment is due when you win, and it is a fixed part of your settlement. While lawyers can charge up to 40%, many law firms have a cap, which is a great advantage. The typical fee varies from 25% to 33%. As far as other expenses are concerned, you must pay those, but your lawyer may help you until you recover the money.

“Do you have trial experience?”

You should hope that your car accident case never ends up in court. However, if and when that happens, you need an injury lawyer with trial experience. Ensure the lawyer has some exposure to representing clients in such lawsuits.

You can check online reviews to compare potential accident lawyers in OC.