Medical Malpractice Red Flags: 7 Signs to Watch Out for in Florida Healthcare

Medical Malpractice Red Flags: 7 Signs to Watch Out for in Florida Healthcare

Most of the time, when we seek treatment for what ails us, medical experts come to our aid. Their extensive training and experience help us to go from bad to better. Unfortunately, sometimes something just doesn’t feel right, and although we aren’t trained medical professionals, we sense that we weren’t given the expected standard of care. These medical malpractice red flags can sometimes be too big to ignore.

If you’re a patient and seeing giant red flags of neglect, a Freidin Brown medical malpractice lawyer may be able to help. Their team of experienced medical malpractice attorneys can help to determine if you’ve been a victim and can help guide you toward recovery and compensation.

Florida Medical Malpractice Red Flags: What To Look Out For

Despite not being a highly trained medical expert, several red flags could alert you to the possibility that you’ve been the victim of medical malpractice. Mistakes happen; if so, you have the right to seek compensation for any damages incurred. Medical malpractice lawsuits should only be undertaken with the guidance of a highly experienced personal injury attorney, as multiple parties could play a part in the mishap.

It’s important to point out that Florida’s medical malpractice statute of limitations is only two years from discovering your injuries or worsening your condition. Gathering required evidence to file the lawsuit can be rather time-consuming, so it’s crucial to begin working with an attorney sooner rather than later.

Unexplained Changes in Your Condition

Certain surgeries, procedures, and medications can cause changes to your condition and overall health. However, if some time has passed and you haven’t experienced fewer symptoms, and your doctor seems unconcerned, this could be a red flag. Other changes to your health to be concerned about can include:

  • Sudden, unexplained body weight changes
  • New chronic pain
  • Changes in mood or cognitive skills
  • A loss in mobility or balance

A competent doctor will listen to your concerns and should be able to provide a reasonable explanation. If not, this is something to be concerned about.

No Change in Your Condition During Treatment

If you’ve followed your doctor’s orders, taken all prescribed medications, had the required surgeries or procedures, and done everything recommended. Yet, there hasn’t been a change in your condition could be a sign of a misdiagnosis. Delayed diagnosis or misdiagnosis can cause other medical issues and could be grounds for a malpractice lawsuit.

Injuries During Treatment or Procedures

Some of the most obvious red flags of medical malpractice are injuries during treatment, surgery, or procedures. This can include bed sores, unlikely infections, and unexplained new symptoms. The worst of this type of medical malpractice is when surgeons operate on the wrong body part or leave medical devices in a patient.

Failure to Provide Informed Consent

The state of Florida mandates that all patients are to be provided with informed consent. Doctors must explain what treatment or procedure is meant to do, its risks, and other treatment options. Failure to provide a patient with informed consent is grounds for medical malpractice.

Second Opinion Conflicts With Your Diagnosis

Patients who obtained a second opinion that conflicts with the treatment they received is a red flag that a medical mistake could have occurred. If they’ve gotten a third opinion that agrees with the second, this is a sign that the doctor originally treating them has strayed from the expected standard of care.

Understaffed Hospital or Treatment Facility

Sometimes medical mistakes occur when a hospital or treatment facility is understaffed. Patients aren’t afforded the time and care they deserve when this happens. Corners may be cut, and patient procedures or treatment could be rushed. Understaffing issues can easily lead to medical mistakes.

Failure to Follow Up

Sometimes even the most minor treatments or procedures require follow-up tests to ensure correct diagnosis and proof that the ailment has been cured. If your doctor has told you that you’ll need some follow-up tests yet never scheduled them, this could be a lack of following standard procedures and could be a sign of a medical mistake.

Medical Malpractice Red Flags To Be Aware of in Florida Healthcare

Several red flags could make themselves apparent after seeking medical care. Many medical mistakes can happen due to a variety of reasons. Patients harmed due to medical neglect can file a medical malpractice claim to seek compensation for their healthcare professional’s mistake. This should never be attempted without the guidance of an experienced medical malpractice attorney.

Some medical errors are obvious, such as treating the wrong body part, while others can be more difficult to decipher. However, suppose you’ve seen several red flags of negligence, and your condition has worsened or caused other medical conditions. In that case, seeking a second opinion and speaking to a medical malpractice attorney is best.