What Are the Penalties for Carrying a Gun Without a License in Denver, Colorado?

What Are the Penalties for Carrying a Gun Without a License in Denver, Colorado?

Colorado is an open-carry state, allowing most adults to openly carry a gun without a permit. However, Denver mostly prohibits open carry of firearms, which may mean you could wind up in trouble while in town. 

For the rest of the state, most people can carry a firearm, with few exceptions. 

Who Can’t Openly Carry a Firearm in Colorado?

In most of Colorado, you can’t open-carry a gun if you are under the age of 18, a convicted felon, or a drug addict. Protective orders that prohibit firearm possession will also restrict you, if applicable in your situation. 

Guns are not permitted for open carry anywhere in Colorado that is considered federal property. This would include national parks, airports, post offices, courthouses, or federally subsidized housing. 

You can’t bring a loaded firearm that isn’t a revolver or pistol in your car, nor can you take a loaded firearm onto public transportation, schools, or government property. If you are in Denver, then you can’t open carry.  

What Is Different About Denver and Open Carry Laws?

Over the years, Denver has gained popularity as a destination for tourists and new businesses. Because of this, Denver has outlawed open carry of firearms and unlicensed open carry. The suburb of Castle Rock has also prohibited open carry. 

This means that if you are in Denver and openly carrying a firearm or have one in your car without a license, you will get a weapons charge. 

What Could Happen With a Weapons Charge?

Colorado’s gun laws are complicated because many acts could be weapons crimes. You need to be careful when visiting Denver or even as a resident to ensure you don’t end up on the wrong side of the law. 

Weapons charges are varied and can consist of carrying an unlawful concealed weapon, possessing a dangerous weapon, violating a local ordinance regarding firearms in private vehicles, or permitting a minor to use a weapon, to name a few. Many more actions could constitute a weapons crime in Denver, Colorado. 

No matter what weapons charge you face, all of these crimes will have serious penalties. You may be looking at years in prison. You’ll likely be hit with hefty fines and probation. Plus, this could all wind up on your criminal record and impact your future. 

What’s most frustrating about weapon crimes in Denver is that many people are unaware they’re doing anything wrong. Because of the open carry law in the rest of the state, it leads to confusion for visitors or those who have relocated to the area. 

Fortunately, if you contact a gun crime lawyer in Denver, you’ll have someone advocating for your rights. An experienced attorney can present a strong defense stating that the police failed to follow proper protocol during your arrest, your Second Amendment rights were violated, or that it was for self-defense. In some cases, you may even qualify for an exemption to the rules. However, only an attorney can advise you on the best way to fight your gun charges.