Royal Innovative: “Turkish agriculture expects attempts in other products from Russia, which raised quotas on tomatoes”

Royal Innovative: “Turkish agriculture expects attempts in other products from Russia, which raised quotas on tomatoes”

Boris Volfman, Founder of Royal Innovative, projects a robust expansion in agricultural trade between Türkiye and Russia, as the company experiences an impressive 80% growth in business volume in the first 10 months of 2023.

In the dynamic realm of international agricultural trade, Royal Innovative stands as a key facilitator, playing a pivotal role in fostering increased collaboration between Türkiye and Russia. Boris Volfman, the visionary Founder of Royal Innovative, reveals an 80% surge in business volume for agricultural product exports to Russia during the first 10 months of 2023, setting the stage for even more significant growth in the coming year.

As Türkiye’s total exports reached just above 210 billion dollars in the initial 10 months of 2023, agricultural exports accounted for 28.5 billion dollars. Russia, ranking 6th among Türkiye’s export destinations with a volume of 8 billion dollars, holds a prominent position in agricultural trade. Fresh fruits and vegetables dominate Türkiye’s exports to Russia, with tomatoes leading the way.

Volfman underscores Royal Innovative’s role as a bridge between Turkish agriculture and Russia, particularly in the export of tomatoes. Russia’s decision to increase quotas in tomato exports in July was met with enthusiasm by Turkish producers and positively impacted foreign trade data. Volfman interprets this move as Russia’s support for good agricultural practices in Türkiye, deserving appreciation.

“Agricultural trade between Russia and Türkiye is poised for significant growth,” declares Volfman, expressing expectations of further expansion in exports between the two countries by the close of 2024. Tomatoes, representing the largest share of Türkiye’s fresh fruit and vegetable exports, experienced a 16% increase in the first 10 months of the year, influenced by Russia’s quota decision. Volfman anticipates this upward trend to extend to other fresh fruits and vegetables, foreseeing dynamic moves from Russia in various agricultural products.

Referring to the Medium-Term Program’s ambitious export target of 302.2 billion dollars by the end of 2026, Volfman emphasizes Royal Innovative’s commitment as stakeholders in Türkiye’s agricultural sector. He states, “From locating farmers to quality control, product selection to price negotiation, packaging to logistics, we will be at the service of Turkish producers seeking new markets and Russia for agricultural product needs. Türkiye will continue to be Russia’s largest agricultural partner, thanks to its climate, geographical location, product variety, and close relations.”

Underlining the significance of fresh fruits and vegetables in Türkiye’s agricultural exports, with Russia leading in this area, Volfman concludes, “We also mediate in delivering agricultural products grown all over Türkiye to Russia. Among the export products that vary according to the season are, for example, tomatoes, grapefruits, peaches, plums, pomegranates.”