5 Original Things to Do in Venice Revealed

5 Original Things to Do in Venice Revealed

Venice is one of the cities which are impossible to discover to the fullest. Veneziawill intrigue you more and more as you start to learn about its land and history. As a tourist, you should know that beyond the well-trodden and must-visit paths of St. Mark’s Square and the Rialto Bridge hide unique experiences that give a deeper insight into the city’s rich roots and savoir faire. So let’s talk about them:

1. A Visit to the Acqua Alta Bookshop:

Enter and be met with enormous stacks of books stored in bathtubs, gondolas, and even a full-size gondola. This peculiar bookstore offers an extensive selection of new and used books in every genre and is well-known for its delightful chaos and unusual decor. Browse this rich selection while enjoying the pleasant atmosphere, and maybe you’ll even get a chance to spend a little time with the resident kitties who are often there curled up among the shelves.

2. Taking Rowing Lessons

Gain a new perspective on Venice by mastering the art of rowing. Take unique rowing lessons from an experienced gondolier or join a masterclass to learn how to handle a gondola or Venetian rowing boat, sometimes called a “traghetto” or “sandolo.” You’ll have a greater understanding of the competence needed to manage its waterways as you cruise through the beautiful canals. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to interact with passionate locals who will be eager to share their knowledge and love for this discipline.

3. Eating in the Carampane District

Discover the Carampane area by going on a culinary excursion at a local restaurant. There are a lot of trattorias and osterias offering up genuine Venetian cuisine in this historic district. Savor fresh seafood dishes like risotto al nero di seppia (black squid ink risotto) and sarde in saor (sweet and sour sardines), all served with a glass of locally made wine. Wander through the beautiful streets of this charming district, where locals gather to enjoy good food and good company.

4. Taking an evening tour among legends and ghosts

Take an evening trip that explores the spooky folklore and ghost stories around Venice to discover its dark side. Follow your knowledgeable guide through dimly lit alleys and squares as they tell you with tales of vengeful spirits, haunted palaces, and unsolved mysteries. See odd places like the Ca’ Dario, known as the “House of Death,” and the Bridge of Sighs, where prisoners are said to have sighed at their final glimpse of freedom. Be prepared to be spooked as you explore the shadowy corners of Venice’s past.

5. Creating a personalized Carnival Mask in an Artisan Atelier

Unleash your creative side and participate in a workshop to create your own Carnival mask in an artisan atelier. Discover the ancient art of mask-making under the guidance of skilled artisans and unleash your imagination as you decorate your mask with designs, colors, and luxury materials. Learn about the symbolism behind Venetian masks while learning the artistic traditions of the Carnevale. Crafting your own Carnival mask will be truly memorable and  you’ll get a unique and personalized souvenir from Venice.

Venice is truly one-of-a-kind when it comes to unique activities and experiences. What would you prefer to try for first?