System failure -These are the worst states for education in the US

System failure -These are the worst states for education in the US

Education is often viewed as the foundation of a successful and prosperous society. It is believed to be the key to economic growth, social mobility, and personal development. But, not all states in America have been able to provide their students with a quality education that meets these expectations. The education system in some states has been failing its students, leaving them ill-equipped to face the challenges of the modern world. The impact of these failures can be seen in the high rates of dropouts, low graduation rates, and poor academic performance among students in the worst states for education in America.

If you are looking for a good school for your children and considering a move to a place where the education system is good, stick around to find out where you shouldn’t go. In this article, we are going to explore the importance of education and look at recent data showing which are the worst states for education in the US.

Education and Society

The reasons for the failure of the education system in some states are many and complex. Funding, teacher quality, standardized testing, and curriculum are just some of the issues that have been identified as contributing factors.

The problem is that the consequences of a failing education system can extend beyond the classroom and into the wider society. Lacking quality education, individuals may struggle to find employment, contribute to their communities, and have a hard time meeting their needs financially. This can lead to a range of negative outcomes, including poverty.

From the perspective of the not-so-distant past and looking at the future, there is another point of view that is becoming more and more relevant. We are witnessing never seen progress in technology. Whether technology is making us smarter or dumber depends on how we use it. And education has a huge chunk in determining whether we can put this powerful tool to good use and further expand our knowledge or become dopamine junkies from all the scrolling.

Ranking by state

Some states in America have better education systems than others. And this is clearly visible in the statistics. Of course, this doesn’t mean that the states which don’t rank as well don’t have good schools at all. It’s important to keep in mind that the statistics show more of a general overview of the specific state’s situation overall. Also, the criteria used to provide the statistics can vary. Student success or a low dropout rate are more general criteria. Still, if you’re more interested in student safety, for example, the top states in the statistics might be different ones. It’s advised to do individual research based on what you are looking for. Also, it’s important to consider multiple sources of information before making a rushed decision. Statistics can be different for public schools, private schools, and charter schools, so remember this when you are reading through the statistics.

The states with the worst rankings for education

The list we are going to look at is based on Wallethub’s fresh statistics. This contains the list of the best-ranking states, and also what we’re interested in: the worst-ranking ones. For the study, they have compared every state by using 20 specific metrics, and across the criteria of Educational Attainment and Quality of Education. Every state has been given a score between 1 and 100, with 100 being of course the highest. According to those criteria, the list of the states with the poorest education systems is the following. 

  1. West Virginia, 22.40
  2. Mississippi, 25.64
  3. Lousiana, 27.36
  4. Arkansas, 30.87
  5. Alabama, 34.46
  6. Oklahoma, 35.32
  7. Nevada, 35.70
  8. Kentucky, 35.70
  9. New Mexico, 36.99
  10. Texas, 40.14 

Scholaroo has taken a different approach and made their study using different criteria for measuring the education system. These were School Quality, Student Safety, and Student Success. Measuring by these criteria their list of the worst-ranking states for education became somewhat different. 

  1. Arizona
  2. Nevada
  3. Louisiana
  4. Oklahoma
  5. New Mexico
  6. California
  7. North Carolina
  8. Alabama
  9. South Carolina
  10. Florida

Special education

The accessibility of good quality special education is an area where the American education system is severely lacking in some states. In fact, most of the states don’t meet the requirements, and there’s not much information for those searching for options. It can be quite challenging to figure out which states to avoid when looking for quality special education. This is a problem for many families, and the scarce available information on the subject makes it even more difficult. There are not many studies to help families make informed decisions. Many choose to homeschool their children because of the lack of proper resources, efficiency, and security in the schools. But when homeschooling is not an option, parents are dependent on the school system.

Worst-ranking states in special education for children with ASD

1 in every 54 children in America are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Added up, that’s about 135,000 underage individuals currently in the states. The numbers show that there is a great need for quality special education. Families with children with ASD need the state’s monetary support, as well as the resources and facilities provided by schools. These change from state to state, and frequently change over the course of time, too. Exceptional private schools do exist, but most public schools lack the necessary resources. Also, as said before, it’s important to do individual research, because even the worst states have exceptions. Still, if you’re committed to relocating so your child can have access to better education over the course of the years, consider the states that are ranking better. It can be crucial to know which ones to avoid, though, so here’s a list of the worst states for special education for children with autism. 

  1. West Virginia
  2. New Mexico
  3. Tennessee
  4. Nevada
  5. Kentucky
  6. Oklahoma
  7. South Carolina
  8. Nebraska
  9. Mississippi
  10. Maine

In conclusion

The success of any society depends on the education of its citizens. That’s why it’s so important to focus on education and work towards building an education system that can provide students with the tools they need in life. As we have seen, in some states in America, the education system is failing its students. But no state is perfect, and there is room for improvement even in better-ranking states. Also, it’s important to consider that even the worst states have good schools. That’s why it’s crucial to do individual research on the particular area you are interested in moving to. Yet, by choosing a state that prioritizes education and investing in the education of our children, we can give them a better headstart in life. And contribute to a brighter future for the next generation.