Here is The Best Way To Sleep According to Research

Here is The Best Way To Sleep According to Research

Research has revealed the formula for a perfect night’s sleep – a room temperature of 16 degrees Celsius, curling up on your right hand side… and a few pages of a good old fashioned book before bed.

The study also revealed that to achieve zen-like sleeping conditions you will also need two pillows and a bedroom painted white.

And for the perfect night’s sleep, you should leave at least 37 minutes from when you last check your phone to attempting to fall asleep.

Your optimum sleeping time should be eight hours, and the perfect time to go to sleep is 10:39pm.

And controversially, 44 per cent of people believe they sleep BETTER when their partner isn’t in the bed with them, with women more likely to turf their other half out to improve their sleep quality.

The poll of 2,000 Brits, commissioned by eve Sleep, asked them to name everything that helped give them the perfect night’s sleep.

Jas Bagniewski, founder and CEO of eve Sleep commented: “At eve we’re on a nationwide crusade to encourage people to join the sleep rich – that army of people who start the day looking and acting well rested and full of energy.

“This poll confirms that as a nation we’re wise to the basics, like getting a solid eight hours.

“It still seems though, that we have some way to go towards actually putting this knowledge into practise: whilst we all know that looking at our phones isn’t helpful for example, almost a third of us are still doing it less than 10 minutes before trying to drop off.”

It also emerged four in 10 Brits can’t get to sleep unless the room is completely dark, and a quarter can’t drop off unless there’s a total absence of noise.

More than three in 10 Brits read a paper book before bedtime to help them sleep, three times as many as use an e-reader.

And one in five think having sex before bedtime is the best way to guarantee a restful night’s kip.

The majority of the nation sleeps on their right hand side, with their legs curled up, and just one in 20 sleep on their back.

Brits also live up to their repressed national stereotype by being most likely to hit the hay in full pyjamas, with under a quarter going to bed in the buff.

One in four Brits can’t even remember the last time they had a good night’s sleep, with many saying their lack of slumber is due to the temperature in the bedroom being too hot.

And three in ten say their partner’s incessant snoring is what keeps them lying awake at night.

Jas Bagniewski said: “Interestingly, a massive 50% don’t sleep well because they are too hot, and the good news is that really IS easy to fix.

“A breathable mattress can make a significant difference. Couple that with bedding made of a breathable fabric like linen which allows for good airflow and absorbs moisture, and you should see a very fast improvement.

“With the nights drawing in there’s no time like the present to perfect both your sleep environment and your bedtime habits.”

Half of the nation believe they’re more irritable after a poor night’s sleep, and one in five admit they’re more likely to eat junk food and are even prone to nodding off during the day.

Top Tips For Sleep

● Go to bed at 22:39
● Ensure your room temperature is 16.1 degrees Celsius
● Put on clean bedding
● Make sure the room is totally dark, painted white, and tidied
● Avoid your phone for 37 minutes before sleep
● Wear pyjamas
● Read a few pages of a paper book (not an e-reader)
● Sleep on your right side, with legs curled up
● Don’t cuddle up with your partner

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