Brits think their holidays begin on the journey to the airport

Brits think their holidays begin on the journey to the airport

Holidays REALLY begin on the journey to the airport – and NOT when you arrive at the destination, according to holidaymakers.

Researchers polled 2,000 holidaymakers and found most – one third – think a getaway truly starts the second we lock the front door behind us and make our way to the airport.

This came ahead of leaving work for the last time before a break (15 per cent), boarding the plane (11 per cent) – and even when arriving at the accommodation (13 per cent).

Amid this, 53 per cent of those polled reckon the best part of a holiday is the beginning of it.

Commissioned by Heathrow Express,, the research also found we start to look forward to our holiday 14 days ahead of the trip and start to become less focussed at work six days before departure.

A spokesman for Heathrow Express said: “We all love that feeling of excitement when we’re setting off on holiday.

“The research certainly appears to suggest this is the case – especially when it comes to enjoying a break somewhere nice.

“Holiday anticipation is arguably at its peak when we set off on that journey, which might explain why for most respondents a break starts when we are travelling to the airport.”

Although seven in 10 said they feel excited prior to a holiday, one fifth said they get nervous and 19 per cent said feel stressed in the days preceding a trip away.

Typically those polled start packing four days before departure and start shopping for items specifically for it 11 days in advance.

When it comes to planning what to do on the holiday itself, holidaymakers typically begin this 14 weeks before heading off.

In fact, for 60 per cent planning is among their favourite aspects of a trip.

However, almost one fifth admit they tend to leave their holiday planning until the last minute.

Carried out through, the research also found holiday makers will typically arrive at the airport two hours and 29 minutes prior to boarding.

And eager to get a space in the overheard lockers, 21 per cent will queue to board the plane.

A spokesman for Heathrow Express added: “January can be a tough time of year, so what better way of giving yourself something to look forward to than planning a summer holiday?

“This is also a good time to get the best deals, including on your Heathrow Express tickets which start at £5.50 when you book in advance.”

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