The Apprentice: Worst team names revealed


Over 2,800 people were quizzed to see if they knew the meaning of previous team names on The Apprentice
· Connexus and Eclipse were the most confusing with only 26% getting it right
· More than one in 20 thought Typhoon was named after a brand of tea
· Can you decipher the corporate jargon of team names on The Apprentice?

Every year the team name selection on the Apprentice is a hot topic on social media, with many quick to judge or jeer the choices. With this year’s team names now finally revealed – Empower and Unison – people seem less than impressed on Twitter, but are they the worst names the show has seen?

Now, research has revealed which of the 28 former team names on The Apprentice are the most confusing, after 2,811 people were quizzed by Unhooked Communications to see if they could correctly define the words used in the team identities.

‘Connexus’ was one of the most confusing team names, with only 26 per cent knowing it was Latin for ‘a connecting structure’. ‘Eclipse’ also proved difficult to understand, with 26 per cent of people correctly guessing the definition of ‘when something becomes less important’.

Less than half (46 per cent) knew ‘venture’ was something that involved risk and just over half (57 per cent) knew Apollo was a God of music, poetry, light, prophecy and various other titles.

When it came to Team Graphene, 60 per cent knew it as the word for of carbon in a single atom, but 9 per cent thought it was a computer programme made to use graphs and 3 per cent thought it was magazine dedicated to graphic design.

The majority (83 per cent) knew Team Typhoon was named after a violent storm with strong circular winds, but 6 per cent thought it was a tea brand and 11 per cent didn’t think it was a real word at all.

With some of the words offering surprising definitions, it begs the question if the candidates themselves even truly understand the words they’re using for their brand.

Claire Gamble, MD of Unhooked Communications, which carried out the research, said: “The Apprentice is brilliant entertainment, but it doesn’t always portray the realities of running a business. It’s always funny watching the teams try to come up with their names and so often get criticised for being too literal, overly complicated or just plain cringeworthy. But that’s the joy of the show, you don’t need to be a business or marketing expert to have an opinion and it highlights just how some seemingly ‘easy’ jobs – like coming up with a brand name – are actually more difficult than you first think. We can’t wait to hear the associated gags Lord Sugar comes up with too.”

The most confusing team names ranked
Team name Definition Who got it right?
Connexus A connecting structure 26%
Eclipse When something becomes less important 26%
Venture An activity involving risk 46%
Apollo A god connected to things like music 57%
Graphene A form of carbon in a single atom 60%
Synergy The power of a group working together 65%
Titans Someone who is clever, important or strong 67%
Summit The highest point of a mountain 68%
Sterling A precious metal of particular purity 68%
Forte The ability to do something well 68%
Tenacity A determination to keep doing something 71%
Renaissance A growth of interest in art or music 72%
Nebular A cloud of dust or gas in outer space 75%
Invicta Undeafeted 75%
Endeavor To try to do something 80%
Collaborative To work together with someone else 81%
Typhoon A violent storm with strong circular wins 83%
Logic A way of thinking based on good judgement 85%
Impact The force of an object hitting another 85%
Stealth A quiet, careful action to avoid attention 86%
Evolve To develop gradually 88%
Empire A large organisation 89%
Versatile To easily be used for different purposes 90%
Alpha A Greek letter 90%
Phoenix A mythical bird able to regenerate through flame 91%
Veolicty The speed at which an object travels 91%
Vitality Energy and strength 93%
Ignite To cause something to start burning 96%
Team name Definition Answers
Typhoon A violent storm with strong circular wins 83%
Not a word 11%
A brand of tea drank in the UK 6%
A disease causing high temperatures and pains 0%
Collaborative To work together with someone else 81%
Not a word 19%
A shape resembling a collarbone 0%
Something that goes around the neck 0%
Vitality Energy and strength 93%
Not a word 5%
Necessary and important 1%
Sad and lonely 1%
Graphene A form of carbon in a single atom 60%
Not a word 28%
A computer programme made to use graphs 9%
A magazine focused on graphic design 3%
Titans Someone who is clever, important or strong 67%
A light, strong metal chemical element 18%
Not a word 12%
A boat that sinks 3%
Nebular A cloud of dust or gas in outer space 75%
The outer bone of the lower leg 10%
Not a word 10%
An unclear or vague idea 5%
Versatile To easily be used for different purposes 90%
To know a lot about a certain topic 8%
To write something in the form of poetry 2%
Not a word 0%
Connexus Not a word 50%
A connecting structure 26%
A computer programme or software 21%
Having a close relationship with people 3%
Summit The highest point of a mountain 68%
Slang term used meaning ‘something’ 18%
To order someone to come to a place 9%
Not a word 5%
Tenacity A determination to keep doing something 71%
To rent and live in a building 16%
Not a word 13%
A fear or phobia of the number 10 0%
Evolve To develop gradually 88%
Not a word 6%
To move around a central point or ilne 4%
To solve a problem or difficulty 2%
Endeavor To try to do something 80%
Not a word 15%
To love or care for someone 5%
Not a word 0%
Sterling A precious metal of particular purity 68%
Not a word 15%
Something free from bacteria 9%
A common bird with dark feathers 8%
Phoenix An imaginary bird that sets itself on fire 91%
Not a word 5%
An arched structure in the body 4%
Someone who really dislikes something 0%
Venture An activity that involves risk 46%
An exciting trip 46%
Not a word 8%
The invention of something new 0%
Logic A way of thinking based on good judgement 85%
A name you enter to use a computer 8%
Not a word 5%
An act of cutting down trees for wood 2%
Apollo A god connected to things like music 57%
Not a word 19%
A person who supports and defends something 17%
The greek word for sorry 7%
Ignite To cause something to start burning 96%
To run lava into rock 3%
Not a word 1%
To make a disappearing worry grow stronger 0%
Alpha A greek letter 90%
Not a word 6%
A Greek animal 4%
A Greek dish 0%
Stealth A quiet, careful action to avoid attention 86%
A strong worry about health 6%
Not a word 5%
The act of stealing someone’s limelight 3%
Veolicty The speed an object travels at 91%
A track for bicylce racing with curved sides 4%
Used to describe the texture of velvet 4%
Not a word 1%
Forte The ability to do something well 68%
Not a word 13%
A military building designed to defend 11%
The ability to judge the future 9%
Synergy The power of a group working together 65%
Not a word 21%
Words that are similar 13%
When people meet to discuss religion 1%
Empire A large organisation 89%
A large building 6%
Not a word 3%
To buy or get something 2%
Renaissance A growth of interest in art or music 72%
Not a word 18%
A type of fashion with lots of frills 10%
A rich and successful person 0%
Eclipse A circular shape 43%
When something becomes less important 26%
Not a word 22%
A meteor shower 9%
Invicta Undeafeted 75%
Undecided 15%
Not a word 10%
Uninvited 0%
Impact The force of an object hitting another 85%
Not a word 10%
To make an agreement between two people 5%
An object that comes wrapped in packaging 0%
Media Contact Details
Claire Gamble, Unhooked Communications
Manchester, UK
Original Source