Free the Visualiser In Your Laptop With IPEVO’s Mirror-Cam

Free the Visualiser In Your Laptop With IPEVO’s Mirror-Cam


SUNNYVALE, California. – August 7, 2020 IPEVO, the key leader in visual communication technology has just announced the release of its newest product, Mirror-Cam.

Due to the rapid increase in remote learning, pupils and teachers alike are constantly searching for a solution to replicate their original learning environment. One of the biggest hurdles they faced was real-time interaction and feedback. Mirror-Cam exists to eliminate that inconvenience, all in an adjustable and compact design that you can take wherever you go.

Simple but intuitive, the mirror inside Mirror-Cam allows users to transform their laptop webcams to create a “visualiser effect.” By redirecting the laptop webcam’s field of view to the keyboard area, anything that happens over the keyboard also happens on the laptop screen.

Pupils are then able to utilize the overhead showcase space to take notes, create sketches, solve problems, do read alouds, and many other things, all whilst receiving live feedback. This lets pupils take the lead of their own learning while giving teachers and parents the flexibility and convenience to make the most out of the learning process.

Users may also take advantage of IPEVO’s Visualizer software to capture the optimal image. Functions ranging from simple controls such as rotating and enlarging images to taking photos, recording videos, and keystone image correction are just some of what Visualizer can offer.

The Mirror-Cam is now available in packs of 6 for £33.32 (ex VAT) and can be purchased through either IPEVO or Amazon.

For more information about the Mirror-Cam, visit:

Based in Sunnyvale, California, IPEVO is an EdTech company that makes and sells versatile visual communication tools. Designed with users in mind, IPEVO offers simple, affordable software, visualisers, and communication tools to help people create, teach, learn, inspire, and collaborate effortlessly and efficiently in an interconnected world.

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