How Does CSPM Help De-Risk Your Enterprise Cloud Environment

Today, most organizations are migrating to the cloud because of the sheer convenience it offers. However, with more users coming into the picture, cloud platforms witness unprecedented risks in the digital industry. An ideal solution is provided by Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) to help mitigate such risks.

What Do You Understand by Cloud Security Posture Management?

Due to the frequent occurrence of high-profile security breaches, corporates are looking at an alternative technology that is emerging fast – Cloud Security Posture Management.

CSPM may be making the rounds frequently today though it has appeared in the security capabilities domain now. It is highly preferred today because more companies adopt a cloud-only methodology, where Cloud Security Posture Management renders monitoring and fixing security issues by default. What’s more, users can take advantage of the scalability and security awareness it offers, with the added benefit of no overhead configuration costs.

How Does It Work?

With vast cloud spaces in operation, it is crucial to trace and monitor sensitive data, which requires protection against any misconfigurations.

With more organizations moving to a cloud environment, it is crucial for them to adopt Cloud Security Posture Management to create a clear platform for buffered information relay and consolidate misconfigurations. Thanks to CSPM, companies can now conform to CIS v1.1. HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and SOC2 boost their clients’ confidence in them and the heightened security cloud offers.

There are many specific software tools used in tandem with Cloud Security Posture Management, thus protecting the data moving to and from the on-premise server and the cloud environment, rendering the security policies to function beyond the in-house boundaries.

Cloud Security Posture Management is adept at detecting encryption-related issues, permissions for extra accounts, unethical management, etc. As per a Gartner report, misconfiguration is the primary culprit responsible for cloud attacks, and CSPM helps lessen such risks.

Significant Benefits of Cloud Security Posture Management

The benefits include:

  • Establishing connectivity with misconfigured networks
  • Evaluating data risks and triggering alarms on extra account permissions
  • Detecting policy violations by 24/7 monitoring
  • Spotting misconfigurations and remedying them spontaneously
  • Ensuring compliance with CIS v1.1, HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and SOC2.

Why Should You Opt For Cloud Security Posture Management?

All organizations using cloud services have to have prevention of data leakage high on their agenda. It is usual for businesses to rest assured that their vital statistics are 100% safe with reputable cloud vendors. However, you cannot rule out human errors resulting in compromises.

Classic cases of cloud security risks that occur while launching new software in a hurry often leave networks starkly exposed. With CSPM backing you, it is possible to detect such risks and neutralize them proactively.

The adoption of Cloud Security Posture Management has progressed recently. It is no more a mere misconfiguration reporting tool; it has now evolved as a sophisticated mechanism that spontaneously fixes issues. It detects unauthorized access, ensures policy compliance, and spots and neutralizes risks.

Other Benefits

Other benefits of CSPM include its ability to merge security procedures with development operation processes, giving the IT team a break. Several issues like service configurations have to be addressed by the IT teams, which rely on Cloud Security Posture Management. What’s more, Cloud Security Posture Management’s conformity between simultaneous remediation and tracking risks is an added benefit for businesses that rely on multi-cloud platforms.

Best Practices

It is crucial to adhere to cloud-specific benchmarks set by the Center for Internet Security. Security procedures need to be designed keeping in mind the high-powered cloud.

Your security personnel need not feel overworked by the countless violation alerts. All the security personnel needs to do is appraise the risk and attend to violations based on their criticality. Vital cloud assets need high priority protection from such violations.

Positioning security checks is another crucial practice to follow. When your applications are exposed to new resources, enforcing security is no easy task. Spotting such security gaps when it is too late can often lead to disastrous results.

Misconfigurations need to be corrected when they are detected. The inherent character of the cloud calls for modern security concepts to protect the cloud infrastructure. Cloud Security Posture Management checks the cloud for security violations by default and immediately comes up with appropriate remedies. In most cases, it can fix issues by default, reducing the IT security team’s pressure.

Summing it Up

With more business moving from in-house to the cloud, security is paramount. Cloud resources require continuous intelligent monitoring to detect threats and neutralize them, and here’s where Cloud Security Posture Management plays a crucial role.