5 Tips on Social Media Recruiting Strategies

5 Tips on Social Media Recruiting Strategies

Hiring and retaining top talent is vital for any organization’s success. However, attracting and recruiting top talent is getting a lot more challenging thanks to a competitive hiring market and the increasing need for a careful enhanced DBS check. As such, most companies are turning to social media, notably Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, to share job openings, research top talents, and network with potential candidates. Research shows that 92% of recruiters use social media as part of their everyday hiring processes.   

Social media’s presence and influence have increasingly grown in recent years, therefore, presents a suitable platform for captivating potential hires, highlighting open job positions, and enhancing an organization’s culture. This piece looks at five tips to implement a successful social media recruiting strategy. 

Overview of the 5 Tips on Social Media Recruiting Strategies 

Develop Your Company’s Online Reputation

Before you start posting open positions on social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook, you’ll want to build your company’s online reputation. Preferably, come with a standard posting strategy for all your social media platforms such that your brand is the same across all social media channels. Understand that social media platforms are your communication channel to potential candidates, and therefore you want to create a strong and positive reputation to attract top talents. Mention why your company is worth working for by mentioning employee benefits occasionally in your posts.

Today’s employees would prefer to work for a company that cares about them. Therefore, try to create this image in the minds of prospective talents to attract them. You can do this by asking employees to share their story why they enjoy working at your company or sharing user-generated content. 

By developing your company’s online reputation, you will attract potential candidates and enhance your position in the community. 

Develop a Comprehensive Social Media Strategy

To ensure your social media recruiting efforts are successful, you need to develop a comprehensive social media plan. Each campaign must have a specific vision, a goal, or a specific target at hand. What’s your particular goal for carrying out the social media hiring campaign? Is it to upgrade the existing workforce quality or to change the current skillsets in the organization? 

Your social media strategy recruiting plan should include a posting schedule, a list of relevant hashtags, methods for measuring performance, and a style guide that describes your recruiting brand’s tone and voice. A detailed social media strategy plan would ensure your social media recruiting efforts are successful. 

Interact With Passive Candidates Using Videos 

Engaging with passive clients is one of the ways of making your social media recruitment drive a success. One proven best way of engaging with passive clients is using video to share your brand’s story. 52% of marketing professionals around the world agree that video interaction generates the highest engagement scores. 

The video’s content can be anything as long as it’s related to the objective you would like your social media recruitment strategy to achieve. For instance, you can use live video to host spontaneous Q&As or create an informative video explaining the organization’s mission, vision, or culture. In creating videos, you’ll want to work with a marketing professional or a videographer. Let the recruitment videos you share on social media lead passive candidates right into your business.  

Involve Employees in Sharing Posts on Social Media

Your social media recruiting drive would be more effective if you call on the employees to get involved in the campaign by sharing posts on their social media platforms. Employees’ posts act like personal recommendations and are often considered relatable and honest. Encourage your employees to tag or list your organization’s official social media accounts when sharing photos of the company’s events such as seminars and teambuilding or generally life around the workplace. 

The company’s social media platforms can also re-share employees’ social media postings if necessary. Employees can also be urged to share links of job openings to their social media platforms and earn an employee referral bonus. Social media shares are among the most efficient recruitment sources; therefore, they should be part of your social media recruiting strategy.   

Integrate Social Media Advertising 

Social media advertising also referred to as social media targeting, involves serving highly relevant advertisements to specific social media users based on their interactions within a specific platform. As such, integrating social media advertising in your social media recruiting strategy would enable you to reach your dream candidates more efficiently without breaking the bank. Better yet, social media advertising drives high conversion since it aligns the target market with the user demographics of a social platform. This translates to an increase in the chances of hiring top talents. 


Social media platforms have become more than just interaction platforms. They have evolved to be powerful communication tools enabling people and companies to promote their products and services. These platforms also allow organizations to reach out and recruit top talent easily. In today’s competitive hiring market, organizations need to have a solid social media recruitment strategy to attract and hire outstanding skillsets. The above tips would definitely take your social media recruitment drive to the next level.