Fresno’s Krishen Iyer on Utilizing Facebook Marketing for Your Business

Facebook permanently altered the way the world thinks about advertising. As the premier social media platform to offer an advertising component, Facebook is now integral to how competing social media platforms run their advertising. But, with great power comes great responsibility. As a result, Mark Zuckerberg is beginning to respond to the criticism he drew from Facebook’s seemingly predatory data analytics with reforms to their advertising policies.

Although the platform announced its intentions to minimize the impact of advertising on user’s news feeds, Facebook is still a valuable tool for businesses to use when promoting their brand. It may not be as aesthetically appealing as Instagram or as youth-driven as TikTok, but Facebook is still the largest among its competitors. With over two billion active monthly users and over one billion active users, no other social media platform has broken Facebook’s records. For this reason, 93% of marketers use Facebook advertising regularly.

If you are looking to join the nearly three million businesses that use Facebook for marketing, here are some tips.

Tip #1: Revamp your Facebook Business profile.

If you are using Facebook to advertise your business, do so from a business page and not a personal profile. Your business page should include a profile picture, such as your organization’s logo. Once you have uploaded your logo, you want to make sure you select the proper category. Facebook allows you to categorize your business page as a local business or place, company/organization/institution, brand or product, public figure, entertainment, or as a cause. Because each category has different features, you should not overlook this step of the process.

Revamping your Facebook Business profile should also include adding a vanity URL, which is similar in function to a Twitter or Instagram handle. If possible, choose your Twitter or Instagram handle as your vanity URL so that users can directly arrive at your Facebook page. Vanity URLs are also helpful in strengthening your search engine optimization (SEO) because Google automatically links vanity URLs to your website’s keywords.

Tip #2: Test out different types of content.

Content marketers praise the 70-20-10 rule for posting content. According to this rule, a brand should post 70% original content, 20% content relevant to your followers’ interest, and 10% self-promotion content. By relying on this rule, your content marketing team can make sure that they always have a foundation to fall back on when running a Facebook page.

In addition to creating and sharing content that your organization develops for business growth, you can also opt to share user-generated content. Doing so helps generate brand loyalty and encourages customers to engage with the business. User-generated content can save your content marketing team time without appearing as lazy or uninvolved on the page.

Tip #3: Do not forget about Facebook Page Insights.

All content should have a measurable business goal. Your Facebook page should foster a positive relationship with your customers, but it should also ensure your organization profits. Fortunately, Facebook Page Insights can help you analyze content to find engagement trends . This tool can point you in the direction of which posts might correlate with specific patterns in customer spending or which posts did not receive as much engagement as you may have hoped.

If Facebook Page Insights shows you a post with outstandingly low levels of likes, reach, and engagement, do not feel like you have failed. There is always an opportunity to repurpose or revamp your content once time has passed. If you anticipate that a post did not do well because of timing, Facebook has data available to confirm. Try experimenting with the timing of your posts to get a better idea when you should stick to sharing. Facebook Page Insights can show you when your followers are online and what kinds of posts are likely to succeed at specific times of the day. Should you find yourself struggling to determine what time of the day to post on your Facebook Business page, look no further than the Insights tool.

About Krishen Iyer

Krishen Iyer specializes in client relations, online marketing, and technical development. The San Diego native is the founder of MAIS Consulting Services, a consulting firm that partners with organizations looking to optimize their marketing and contracting strategies. Krishen is a graduate of San Diego State University and enjoys watching and playing soccer during his free time.