The Power of Digital Marketing in Mobile App Development

The Power of Digital Marketing in Mobile App Development

It’s easy to lose sight of the goal when bringing a revolutionary idea to life. The excitement of planning, designing, and developing a fresh app can only be surpassed by the rush to launch it and wow the users. But there’s one more thing that many startup founders forget. Launching an earth-shattering app is not the only way you can do for success, even if you cooperate with a start up-centric development team like Purrweb. A proper marketing campaign will help to differentiate and promote your app among millions of apps on Google Play or App Store.

Luckily, mobile apps provide ample opportunities for promotion among new and existing users. When done right, mobile campaigns can boost sales and revenue, unlike any other marketing approach. Digital marketers can capitalize on detailed user data to craft tailored campaigns, reach a larger number of prospects, and improve marketing metrics.

Broader Reach

With over 3.5 billion smartphones, the global population is at around 45% of mobile device saturation. These numbers are expected to grow at a steady pace. In America, 85% of residents have a smartphone, while in South Korea, the share hits 95%. China has the highest number of smartphone users, with over 880 million.

The mobile experience has become so prevailing on the Internet that Google now prioritizes mobile-friendly websites. It pushes those unsuitable for smaller screens further down the search results list.

No other media, digital or not, can compete with that reach. It gives access to a large audience for a marketing campaign regardless of the product, market, or geographic location. Age may be the only issue, as millennials and younger generations are the most prolific mobile users. At the same time, senior citizens are less prone to buying a smartphone and using it for anything other than making calls or texting.

Most importantly, users spend 87% of their time using apps, and only 13% — surfing the web via browsers. That means that even mobile-friendly websites are no longer enough to reach the vast mobile user audience. Digital marketers’ job now entails promoting app installation and use before they can graduate to in-app sales, premium subscriptions, and upsales.

Targeted Campaigns

Personalization is the name of the game in digital marketing, and it has been so for years. Customers no longer appreciate one-size-fits-all offers that have nothing to do with their interests and needs. Amazon is a prime example of successful targeting, with its precise recommendations that resonate with buyers.

Mobile apps are ripe for creating super-targeted campaigns. Most of them collect tons of user data that can be transformed into marketing insights and maximum-yield promotions.

Many digital marketers still rely on segmentation and create enticing offers for every target group. But disruptive technologies like machine learning algorithms and neural networks, are capable of much more. They can generate reliable and precise suggestions and make the customers feel like every offer is tailored to their specific needs. This breeds customer satisfaction and brand loyalty, resulting in a boost in marketing metrics and revenue numbers.

Direct Action

Push notifications are every digital marketer’s dream. With just a few clicks of a button, they can reach the intended audience of the promotion, entice them into action, and seal the deal. Personalization and perfect timing are crucial for converting prospects into paying customers. In addition, today there are a lot of messaging platforms like Reteno that help to track your customer’s behavior and personalize your push campaigns in order to send the most relevant offers. But remember that overzealous use of push notifications is more likely to annoy the customers.

Also, A/B testing can easily be implemented with mobile push notifications. Marketers can play around with wording, notification schedule, and offers to find the right combination that will resonate with different target audience segments.

Alternatively, live chat features can be implemented in-app to let the users get in touch with support agents who double as sales managers. With the right amount of compassion, sincerity, and support, they can convince customers to complete their purchases directly, without the need for lengthy ad campaigns.

Detailed Analytics

Minimum viable product (MVP) development is all about getting customer feedback and improving the product accordingly. A mobile app MVP is a goldmine of data to be used for short-term promotions and a long-term marketing strategy. Since every download or signup can be traced and analyzed, marketing managers can calculate the precise cost of customer onboarding, follow the churn trends, and estimate the customer lifetime value.

All these metrics are crucial for a rapid response to customer dissatisfaction and the prevention of an onslaught of negative reviews. However, long-term data analytics can be even more valuable. It allows the project team to estimate the market changes and implement a timely pivot that can save your startup from an ultimate failure.

Mobile Apps Were Made for Digital Marketing

The ever-growing number of smartphone users, the increasing reliance on mobile apps, and the deeper penetration of broadband Internet access are good signs for digital marketers. Mobile apps provide them with never-before-seen opportunities to reach every customer directly. They can create personalized campaigns with high conversion rates and analyze client data to come up with effective short- and long-term solutions.

As the mobile app market expands and the disruptive technologies mature, we’re likely to see new feats of digital marketing prowess. As long as their personal data is handled with care and remains safe from security breaches, mobile app users will happily enjoy digital marketers’ latest schemes.