The Most Energy-Efficient Heating Systems for Modern Homes

The Most Energy-Efficient Heating Systems for Modern Homes

Most of us use central heating to keep our homes warm and toasty when the weather is cold outside. On a cold and chilly day, there is nothing better than hearing the sound of hot water running through the pipes and hearing the click of the thermostat.

The only problem is that many of the heating systems installed in our homes are not very energy efficient. This is true even for modern homes. If you are thinking of upgrading your heating system to a more energy-efficient option, here are some options you should consider:

Heat Recovery Pumps

Heat recovery pumps such as the ones from BPC Ventilation are a great option for anyone wanting to install a more energy-efficient heating system. A heat recovery ventilation system operates by removing stale and moist air from wet rooms in the home. It then recovers any lost heat from the extracted air. These systems also supply the building with clean air that is warmed from the retrieved heat of the extracted air.

Storage Heaters

When we think of storage heaters, we often think about the old-fashioned, inefficient models. However, over the last few years, storage heaters have come a long way. In fact, investing in storage heaters could be a great option for people who want to reduce their energy bills and save energy.

Ground Source Heat Pumps

Another alternative to the traditional boiler heating system, ground source heat pumps attract heat from the atmosphere around them. Although ground source heat pumps can be expensive to install, they can help you to reduce your energy bills and carbon use.

Air Source Heat Pumps

Air source heat pumps are growing in popularity in the UK. However, research suggests that they aren’t as efficient as ground source heat pumps. The main reason for their popularity is because, compared to other options, they take up very little room. Not only that, but they are also easy to install.

Solar Thermal Panels

Solar thermal panels are positioned onto a roof where they soak up heat from the sun. This heat is then used to warm a tank of water for free. Although solar thermal panels are not a complete heating system (they need to be installed alongside a heat pump or a boiler), they can help to reduce heating bills and carbon emissions considerably.

Biomass Boilers

If you want to achieve lower carbon emissions, why not consider switching to a biomass boiler? A biomass boiler is essentially a boiler that burns wood in the form of chips, pellets, or logs to provide hot water and heating. Biomass boilers are considered to be a near-carbon neutral alternative, as the emissions a biomass boiler generates are collected as new trees grow.

For most houses, heating is one of the main energy drains. Research suggests that it makes up over half of the UK’s household energy bills. While there is a huge amount of advice out there about how to heat your home more efficiently and cheaply, such as by painting your radiators black, the simplest thing you can do is install an energy-efficient heating system. If you want to upgrade your heating system, make sure to consider the options we have listed above.