4 Ways to Make Money Off of Your Old Junk

4 Ways to Make Money Off of Your Old Junk

The condition of your home’s interior and exterior play a big role in how much money you’ll make when it’s time to sell. For example, properties with too much junk in the way might get listed for less because of the cost of cleanup. Plus, some cities have ordinances which restrict houses from getting overrun by unwanted items. That means homeowners should be proactive about keeping things tidy.

Meanwhile, you can make a lot of extra cash just by selling the things you no longer want or need. Then, you can use that cash to pay off major debts, reduce your monthly spending, update the furnishings in your home, or upgrade the structure itself. So, instead of letting the junk pile up, sift through it to find the money-making opportunities hidden within.

How to make money off of your old junk

Believe it or not, it’s easy to make cash off of your old junk. That’s true even if the item doesn’t necessarily hold value to you or if it’s broken beyond repair. Handy and crafty people may be looking for that exact thing, so don’t throw anything away until you’ve assessed the worth.

NOTE: Feeling unable to throw things away or being compelled to buy more than you actually need are both signs of a hoarding disorder. For more information about the condition or to find out if you’re affected, visit Mind Diagnostics to take a test.

When things are all sorted out, use these 4 methods to make as much money as you can:

#1. List the items on a social media sale group.

If you’re a member of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other social media site, you can usually find special pages and/or groups designed specifically for selling personal goods. There, sellers can name their prices and negotiate with customers through direct messaging. Afterwards, both parties can agree on a delivery or pickup arrangement and trade cash on the spot.

#2. Host a yard sale on the weekends.

Spring, summer, and early fall are great times for hosting yard sales of all sizes. You can even join forces with your neighbors to host a neighborhood event which could double as a city-wide cleanup effort. Schedule a time that suits your busy lifestyle and then keep the money separated from your regular income. That way, you won’t have to miss work and you’ll be able to track your earnings more easily.

#3. Create something artistic with it.

The value of your junk often depends on how you see it. In fact, the price someone pays for your stuff is typically based on their perception of it. Thus, if you turn some of your junk into art, people will pay more to own it. That means you can combine or alter old, unused items in several ways to drive up the price. Clean them up, paint them, or customize them somehow for maximum appeal.

#4. Donate it as a write-off on your taxes.

If all else fails, you can always donate your unwanted junk to someone who will take it off of your hands. Churches, community outreach centers, preschools, daycares, and nursing homes are almost always looking for donations. So, even if all you have are some old clothes, unused furniture, and out-of-style home goods, there’s likely someone out there who would love to have them. Plus, you get to write off any charity on your annual taxes.

Clever things to do with your extra cash from cleanup

Having some extra money in your pocket can feel good, but what about making even more? If you knew how to take that cash and double or even triple it legitimately, would you do it? Of course, you would, and here’s how it’s done:

1. Pay off your biggest debts. That way, your credit score will jump up quickly and you’ll also have more spending money each month after paying the bills.

2. Invest some of it. Turn your surplus funds into a money-making investment by putting a little into stocks, bonds, or volatile cryptocurrency.

3. Use it to improve your property. Take the cash you’ve earned and pool it back into your property to ensure a higher selling price when it hits the market.

Making cash from your stash is a good thing, so it should inspire and motivate you to clean up the property and throw away or sell your junk. If you’re still having trouble letting go of items despite these advantages, seek professional help from a mental health specialist as soon as you can.

FACT: Many hoarding cases are the result of painful loss or unprocessed trauma.

The takeaway

When the value of your home – thus, the quality of your life – depends on how much junk you have on site, it makes sense to get rid of the things you don’t need. So, host a sale or donate your unwanted items if you can. And if you can’t, talk to a counselor to find out why you’re holding on so tightly to items that are wrecking your life.