Explaining The Sri Lanka ETA

Explaining The Sri Lanka ETA

Planning on visiting Sri Lanka any time soon? Get access to all there is to know about how to get there, and its current entry policies due to the pandemic. It is essential for you to know about how you can apply for the Sri Lanka ETA and all of the process that you will need to go over. Let’s have a look at all the details that you will need to follow.

What Is The Sri Lanka ETA?

Before getting to the details of how to apply for the ETA, you should know what the Sri Lanka ETA is. Essentially, you should know that it is the process through which many visitors are able to enter into the country. It is different than the traditional methods of applying for Sri Lanka visa as it allows one to attain the ETA through digital means. There is no need to get in lines or go through to physical visa application processes through this. This bypasses the formal visa application process as it allows an online verification and authorization for people to travel to the country. It is a simple and inexpensive way to get access to Sri Lanka.

Different Types Of Sri Lanka ETA

There are three types of Sri Lanka ETAs available for you to choose from. These include the tourist, business, and transit ETA. Let’s have a look at the details of each of these.

  • Tourist ETA

When it comes to the tourist ETA, you must know that it is delivered to you through email and offers you a validity of about six months. The entire stay of your visit can go up to about 30 days, and not more. With this, you will be guaranteed a double entry. So, you can come and go twice from here as long as you meet the other limitations of the visa. More than that, you should also know that it offers you plenty of things to do. These include being able to go for recreational visits, sightseeing, meeting friends or family, and even holiday visits.

  • Business ETA

When we talk about the business ETA, you should know that it allows you to travel and stay in the country for about 30 days and not more. The validity for this is up to six months and you have permission to use this ETA twice. So, you have a double entry possibility through this. You receive this ETA through your email as well. More than that, you have some restrictions when it comes to the kind of activities you get to do with this. You get to attend business meetings, conferences, trainings, and seminars through this. These limitations are present so that people aren’t able to take advantage of their stays.

  • Transit ETA

Lastly, we have the transit ETAs. You will find that these are also delivered to you through your email. More than that, you should know that you only get access once to the country through this as it is mainly only for transit. You should also know that the stay for this type of ETA is only two days given the nature, and is valid for up to six months. There are no activities permissible as you will be able to only go through the country using ETA.

Processing Steps For Getting The Sri Lanka ETA

When it comes to getting to Sri Lanka, you will need to have the ETA on hand. And, for this purpose, you will need to go through the process of getting the ETA. The good thing about this is that you will be able to get done with the process within a few minutes. So, you will not have to worry about taking up too much time to get done with this.

  • Apply Online

The first step for you to carry out is applying for the Sri Lanka ETA online. It is simple to follow through with as you will only have to make sure that you fill in the correct details of the documents that you are linking your ETA with. The passport is important for the process, so make sure that it isn’t expired when you are applying for the ETA.

  • Make Payment

Once you have m sent in all of the relevant documents with the online application, you will need to make the payment for the Sri Lanka ETA. It does not cost a lot and you will be able to make sure that you get it done easily. All you have to do is attach the receipt of this with your application for it to be processed further.

  • Receive Document

Now, you will have to wait for the approval from the relevant authorities for your Sri Lanka ETA. This might take about a few days for you to receive. Once you have received this, make sure to print it before you forget.

  • Arrive In Sri Lanka

With everything else in order, you get to go on and plan your stay in Sri Lanka easily. Make sure to have all the necessary things with you when you’re leaving to avoid any issues.

Online Application Requirements

When you’re applying online, you will need to make sure that you are aware of a few requirements to get your ETA accepted. Let’s have a look at these things below.

  • Presence Of Sufficient Funds

You will need to make sure that you have sufficient fund in your account so that you are able to travel to and from the country. This will verify that you have no plans of prolonging your stay unwarranted. More than that, you should have these funds present while you are applying.

  • Passport Validity

Your passport should be valid for a minimum of six months when you arrive at Sri Lanka. This means that when you are applying for the ETA, you should have a good duration for you to work with. If the passport expiry id borderline 6 months, then it is best to get it renewed.

Natvisa.com can help you with the entire process of getting your Sri Lanka ETA with ease. With all the updated information about the processes, you can rest assured that you will be able to have a smooth application process with Natvisa.