Immigrant? How to Apply for British Citizenship?

Immigrant? How to Apply for British Citizenship?

Are you new to the UK or thinking of moving here? Here are some top tips on how to navigate the British immigration system.

The British immigrations system is notoriously fickle. while politicians would have us believe that millions of migrants make it through our borders every year, the truth is far from it. We have lower immigration rates than the rest of Europe, something that the foreign office has faced criticism for in the years since Brexit.

Nevertheless, if you wish to apply for a visa or for immigration status to the UK, we are here to help. Here is everything you need to know about getting to the UK and staying here in a safe, legal manner.

How British Immigration Works?

British immigration works differently depending on where you are from. If you are an EU citizen, you still have rights and privileges in Britain that other countries might not have. Before you decide to apply for citizenship or a visa, you should visit this page created by the Citizens Advice organisation in the UK. They can help you decide if immigration is really the right course of action for you. They can also guide you through your rights and options.

British Immigration is rated on a points based system. You must achieve a certain score to be eligible for visa status. Below, the stages we cover will include your accumulation of points.

Moving to the UK is a step-by-step process. We’ll review the steps momentarily. First, let’s cover how an immigration lawyer makes the process easier for you.

How an Immigration Lawyer Helps?

If you want to become a resident in Britain, you should first get the help of a good lawyer. An immigration lawyer isn’t a necessary part of moving to Britain, but they can help. In one case study, we found a woman who had been refused 6 times for a visitor visa to come and visit her daughter and family members here in the UK. Before she applied for the 7th time, she hired an immigration lawyer and her application was accepted.

Having someone that knows the language is a good way to stay ahead of the process. A lawyer that understands the ins and outs of the British immigration and visa system is a huge help in every case.

What are the Stages of Immigrating to Britain?

When you want to move to Britain, you need the correct visas. The final step is to achieve citizenship, but the first step is to convince the visa application centre that you have good reason to move to Britain to begin with.

Step 1: Find a Good Job

If you want to convince the visa application centre at UK Gov that you are serious about moving to the UK, getting a good job in place before you move is the right way to go about it. Showing them that you have employment here ups the chances that they will grant your visa application to work. In some instances, employers can sponsor you to come and live and work with them.

There are different types of job visa for the UK. Expatica have a thorough list of them. They include things like a temporary worker visa, a workers in a private household visa, and a youth mobility scheme visa. Your lawyer can help you choose the right category, otherwise you can turn to citizens advice again.

Step 2: Prepare your Documentation

Once you have a job lined up, you can submit your application for your visa through the government portal. You must complete this online. The application process requires that you prove your identity and fulfil the correct documentation to prepare your application. You should apply at least three months before you plan to travel but decisions can take up to 6 months.

You must pay for healthcare and, if you come form certain countries, must prove you are healthy. You must provide authentication for your identity, usually through a passport. Once the government have received your paperwork, they will inform you when the decision has been made.

Step 3: Moving to the UK

Once you are in the UK and you are working, you should keep the government informed of your whereabouts. You can apply to remain in the country permanently once you are here. Since you are already living and working in the country, it is likely that the decision will go in your favour. If you have a relationship or family members in the UK, this helps your application, too.