Study: Human Rights and Modern Politics

Study: Human Rights and Modern Politics

Since the end of World War II, human rights have become an important part of international politics. Many countries have signed treaties and agreements pledging to protect the human rights of their citizens. In this blog post, we will explore the role of human rights in world politics. We will look at some examples where human rights have been violated, as well as cases where they have been defended. We will also discuss how human rights impact foreign policy decisions.

What are human rights?

Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that all people are entitled to. These include the right to life, liberty, and freedom of expression. Human rights also include the right to be treated fairly and with respect, regardless of race, religion, or gender.

The origins of human rights

The concept of inherent human rights can be traced back to the ancient world, where philosophers such as Socrates and Plato argued that all people are born with certain natural rights. These rights could not be taken away by governments or other authorities.

The modern conception of human rights began after World War II. In 1948, the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which codified the rights of all people. Since then, human rights have become an important part of international politics. 

Some states, such as Florida, do not respect the basic human rights of an individual. They are still punishing criminals using the death penalty, which is a direct violation of their rights. If you want to find death penalty argumentative essay topics, you can check this useful site, Gradesfixer. Writing a paper or an essay on human rights requires tons of research, so using a writing tool to get inspired can save you time, effort, and get you good grades. in the end, it all comes down to the fact that human rights are important, and everyone should be aware of them.

Human rights vs Natural Law 

Some people argue that human rights are not based on law, but rather on Natural Law. Natural law is the idea that there are certain laws of morality that are inherent in human nature. These laws cannot be changed or abolished by government, no matter how much they try. 

Critics of human rights argue that they are based on a flawed understanding of human nature. They say that humans are inherently sovereign and cannot be “given rights.” In contrast, humans possess these rights under Natural Law regardless of the “law created by man”.

Human rights in the news

In recent years, human rights have been in the news a great deal. This is due to a number of high-profile cases of human rights violations around the world. For example, in 2017, the Syrian government carried out a brutal attack on the city of Douma, using chemical weapons to kill innocent civilians. This attack provoked international outrage, and many countries condemned Syria for its actions.

Another high-profile case involved the Rohingya people in Myanmar. The Rohingya are a Muslim minority who have been persecuted by the Buddhist majority in Myanmar for years. In 2017, the Myanmar military carried out a campaign of ethnic cleansing against the Rohingya, killing thousands of people and forcing over 700,000 to flee to Bangladesh. The United Nations has described the Rohingya crisis as a “textbook example of ethnic cleansing.”

In both of these cases, human rights were violated on a large scale. These violations sparked international outrage, and led to calls for action from the United Nations and other international organizations.

Also, what is happening today in Ukraine is inadmissible. Human rights are being violated by the second. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a direct violation of the UN Charter and of numerous human rights treaties to which Russia is a party. The international community must take action to protect the Ukrainian people and to uphold the principles of international law. 

Human rights in foreign policy

In addition to playing a role in international politics, human rights also impact foreign policy decisions. For example, when a country is accused of violating the human rights of its citizens, it can face sanctions from other countries. Sanctions are punitive measures that are designed to pressure a country into changing its behavior.

One well-known example of sanctions occurred in the 1990s, when the United States imposed sanctions on Iraq in response to Saddam Hussein’s brutal treatment of the Iraqi people. The sanctions included an embargo on trade with Iraq, as well as restrictions on oil exports. The purpose of the sanctions was to force Saddam Hussein to comply with international law and improve the human rights situation in Iraq.

The sanctions had a devastating effect on the Iraqi people, causing widespread poverty and suffering. However, they did not succeed in changing Saddam Hussein’s behavior. 

Wrapping Up

Human rights are an important part of world politics, and they play a role in both international politics and foreign policy decisions. They have been violated on a number of occasions, most notably in the cases of Syria and Myanmar. However, they have also been defended in cases such as the Holocaust and apartheid South Africa. Human rights are an essential part of democracy and freedom, and they should be protected at all costs.