8 Business Leaders to Watch in 2022

8 Business Leaders to Watch in 2022

Business is booming! We’re seeing the most robust economy in a couple of generations.

For the first time in a boom like this, we’re able to hear the ideas of marketing thought leaders directly from them in real time. We don’t have to wait for a book. We can hear them ourselves online, on stage, and through the articles and interviews that are published about them.

Here are eight business leaders everyone needs to watch in 2022

Nick Westergaard @nickwestergaard

Nick Westergaard is a master at getting attention in a noisy world. A gifted keynote speaker, author, and educator, Nick’s information and style is approachable, applicable, and powerful. When you want to understand marketing, Nick Westergaard is a man to listen to.

Reshma Saujani @reshmasaujani

Reshma Saujani is the founder of Girls Who Code and just released a new book, “Pay Up,” a handbook to empower women at work. Women are most of the population and the future of the workforce. Reshma is the marketing influencer taking everyone to the next level in business.

Jay Baer @jaybaer

Marketing should be cheeky, and Jay Baer lives that. His newsletter includes marketing studies, CX case studies, and tequila reviews! When the biggest brands in the world want to know how to sell themselves, Jay is the guy they call. He’s the guy you need to follow to understand marketing.

Danielle Leslie @danielleleslie

The future of education, both college and corporate, is online courses, and Danielle Leslie is a person who is defining what that future will look like. She’s helped some of the biggest names in the world create courses that have earned them over $2 million. Learn the power of online courses for the person creating them – Danielle Leslie.

Aleksandra Panyukhina @apanyukhina

There was a day when you would just hire a marketing expert to handle all your marketing. Today is the day of the specialist. Aleksandra Panyukhina is the master of event marketing. No one knows event marketing better than she does. Follow her to see what it’s all about.

Ross Simmonds @TheCoolestCool

Ross Simmonds has a way of making it all make sense. His Twitter feed is filled with wisdom about business, marketing, and life. If you want someone who actually tells you how to do it well, Ross is that guy!

Dylan Ogline @dylanogline

In the world of specialists, Dylan Ogline made it science. He created an agency that only does one, direct response paid ads. And they do that one thing better than anyone. It’s a seven-figure agency. With an approachable style and easy wisdom, Dylan is one of the most important marketing influencers in the world today.

Rachel Hollis @msrachelhollis

A lot of marketing experts come at it from the marketing side; Rachel Hollis is all about business, family, and, oh yeah, the marketing that’s on her mind. She shares her inspirational quotes, neat ideas, and her life with her followers all over social media and the internet.

These are the 8 business leaders you need to follow to stay ahead of the future. Besides, they can add a lot of fun to your life.