Ronn Torossian: What Public Relations can do for A Business

Ronn Torossian: What Public Relations can do for A Business

According to Ronn Torossian founder of 5WPR, Public relations is an essential tool that is used by businesses for growth. PR helps increase brand awareness, attract customers, and drive community engagement. PR helps businesses in the following ways:

Increased Brand Credibility and Awareness

To succeed in the current market, a brand needs to differentiate itself from its competitors and establish itself as an authority in.  To accomplish that goal, the brand needs to inform   it exists, and that it offers something that can fulfil a need.  Brands rely on PR to do this. It is through PR that a brand can tell its story to relevant audiences, and thereby convert them into customers. PR also helps educate the public about a brand, with a focus on creating a good impression. By using trusted channels for promotion, PR can also help build the credibility of the brand.

Attract Customers

Torossian says PR is an indirect sales tool. PR helps a brand make positive impressions, over a given period of time. The better the impression a brand makes on consumers, the greater the brand’s chance is of attracting new customers. By reaching out to more and more people, and creating a personal connection with them, a brand uses PR to create a loyal base of long-term customers.  A consistent base of supporters is very likely to purchase more of a brand’s products or services. Loyal customers may also recommend the brand to their family members, colleagues, or friends – therefore expanding the potential pool of customers for the brand.

Drive Community Engagement

For a brand to succeed, it needs to adapt to the changing needs of their target demographic. Just because a product or service has worked well for a long time does not mean it will continue to perform well. To know what its consumers want, a brand should consider asking for feedback from their customers, opening a dialogue between their audience and themselves. PR can help create this kind of dialogue through the use of various media channels. Brands often collect feedback or talk to their audiences on social media.

Attract New Investors

By investing in PR, a brand indicates that it is thinking in the long-term. PR may help increase sales, but it is not a direct sales tool. The benefits of PR can only be truly seen over time, with better brand awareness and consistent growth. PR helps put the word out about the new innovations or products that a business is creating, which can attract investors. Also, the brand’s positive media attention as a result of PR will help retain its current investors.

It is important for a business of any size to consider PR strategies, especially if it is planning for further growth. A good PR strategy can be an easy and effective way to promote growth as well as retain customers.

Ronn Torossian founded 5WPR, a NY Pr firm.