Common FAQs about EC Renal Scan

Common FAQs about EC Renal Scan

An EC renal scan is a nuclear medicine assessment in which small amounts of radioactive material, i.e., radioisotope, measures the kidneys’ functionality. The diagnostic imaging EC exam evaluates the size, shape, function, and position of the kidneys and detects any scarring or certain kidney diseases.

Kidney disease affects at least one in every three adults in the United States (about 80 million people). It is ​​the leading cause of death in the U.S. The diagnosis of the disease in the early stages can prevent the ratio of deaths—the procedure of EC renal scan to assess the function and drainage pattern of the kidneys. 

Today, we will go through the most common FAQs about EC renal scans.

Q: What is a renal scan?

A: The DTPA/EC Renal scan is a nuclear imaging test. The kidneys absorb radioactive material (tracer) introduced into the body. The kidneys emit gamma rays, which are clicked by a special gamma camera.

Q: Why is a renal scan required?

A: A renal scan is used to assess blood flow through the kidneys. It can detect arterial obstructions, abscesses, tumors, and cysts. In the case of kidney transplantation, doctors can also use it to determine graft rejection.

Q: How is a renal scan performed?

A: The dose of the tracer substance will be estimated depending on your height and weight and administered intravenously. After a few moments, the patient is instructed to lie down on a table, and a gamma camera is used to capture the kidney region. 

Q: What special instructions and requirements for undergoing a renal scan?

A: You must share your medical condition with your doctor and inform them about the medications you have been taking before the test. You should also consider allergies. Before the test, drink plenty of water.

Q: What are the benefits of an EC renal scan?

A: The EC scan gives a precise diagnosis in the early stage of the disease. The exam of the PET CT scan offers accurate monitoring and treatment. The precise staging and localization of the patient help with the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Q: Is renal scan risky?

A: Generally, very few side effects are associated with a renal scan. Possible side effects are an allergic reaction to the tracer, needle-stick injuries, and discomfort.

Q: How much time does the scan last?

A: As the rate of the functioning of the kidney varies from person to person. Thus the time might also vary from person to person. However, it mostly takes about 30 to 60 minutes.

Q: What to do after the EC scan?

A: After the scan, the patient will not feel any side effects and may continue with their daily chores immediately unless stated otherwise by the doctor. If the patient feels dehydrated, they may need to drink plenty of water (there are changes in a diuretic dose to increase urine flow).

An EC renal scan also tests the blood flow to the kidneys, rejection of a transplanted kidney, and narrowing of renal arteries, apart from diagnosing the amount of functionality of the kidney. You must also ask who will do the procedure or test and their qualifications. 

You can book an appointment online with the best medical institutes that conduct an EC scan for kidney diagnosis. They will share the estimated cost, alternatives, and other details over call once the doctor has gone through your medical history.