Yard Drainage 101: Keys to Proper Grading and How to Fix Yard Drainage Issues

Yard Drainage 101: Keys to Proper Grading and How to Fix Yard Drainage Issues

If you have ever experienced water pooling in your yard after a heavy rain, then you know how frustrating it can be. Not only is it an eyesore, but it can also lead to damage to your property. In this blog post, we will discuss the keys to proper grading and how to fix yard drainage issues. We will also cover what can happen if you do not fix the drainage issues and when you should call a professional.

One of the main keys to proper grading is making sure that your yard slopes away from your house. This will ensure that water does not pool near your foundation and cause damage. You can check the slope of your yard by using a level. Place the level on the ground and measure the distance from the ground to the top of the level. If the distance is greater than half an inch, then your yard slopes away from your house. If the distance is less than half an inch, then you will need to add more soil to make the slope steeper.

Another key to proper grading is making sure that there are no low spots in your yard where water can pool. You can check for low spots by walking around your yard after a rainstorm. If you see any areas where water has pooled, then you will need to fill in the low spot with soil.

If you have drainage issues, there are a few things that you can do to try and fix the problem yourself. One option is to install French drains. French drains are trenches that are filled with gravel and have a pipe running through them. The pipe carries the water away from your house and into a drainage ditch or storm sewer.

Another option is to install an underground downspout extension. This will carry the water from your gutters away from your house and into a drainage ditch or storm sewer. If you do not have a downspout extension, you can install a splash block. Splash blocks are placed under your downspouts to catch the water and redirect it away from your house. This of course is assuming that you have gutters. If you do not have gutters installed on your home you need to!

If you have tried these options and the drainage issues are still not resolved, then you may need to call a professional. A professional can install a sump pump, which will pump the water out of your yard and away from your house.

If you do not fix the drainage issues in your yard, it can lead to serious problems. Water that pools near your foundation can seep into your basement and cause flooding. Flooding can damage your belongings and lead to mold growth. In addition, water that pooled in your yard can eventually make its way into your house and cause damage to your walls and floors.

If you think that you may have drainage issues, it is important to call a professional. A professional will be able to assess the situation and determine the best course of action. They can also give you advice on how to prevent drainage issues in the future.