Email Coaching: Could the Future of Coaching Be Your New Business?

The potential to turn the simple email format into a rewarding career and business has never been greater.

The rise in popularity of Email Coaching has opened up a world of potential for new coaches, as well for as established coaches looking to venture into a more flexible format.

But what exactly is Email Coaching, why is it becoming so popular, and what are the lifestyle and business benefits of offering a coaching service via email?

The History of Email Coaching

Email Coaching may be the latest buzzword in modern coaching modalities, but the essence of this burgeoning field is actually an age-old practice.

Throughout the ages, many of the world’s great minds have come together via written correspondence – exchanging letters, ideas and words of support that have led to a whole range of results, such as blossoming careers, innovative partnerships, the advancement of knowledge and even world-changing inventions. So, the premise of Email Coaching has deep roots in the evolution of civilisation.

This is because, in its simplest terms, Email Coaching is essentially two minds coming together via the written word, with a view to progressing a certain goal or achievement – a little like Pen Pals with a meaningful mission, where one partner has the expertise and desire to mentor the other.

Yet, until recently, the practice of offering a coaching service by e-mail has sometimes been regarded as a secondary option, or a type of follow-up support, to complement the more popular forms of coaching such as in-person, video or phone calls.

This view of Email Coaching is changing, however, as the recent global shifts have ushered in growing demand for this fabulously flexible format.

The new normal means that Email Coaching is becoming a strong and appealing option within the current coaching market, as well as opening up the field to many who don’t feel comfortable with the more traditional modalities.

The Future of Coaching

The coaching industry has shifted dramatically in recent years. From the unprecedented move to online options during the global pandemic, to the cultural trends toward more human-friendly working conditions, the world of coaching has experienced significant changes.

As a result, the freedom and flexibility of Email Coaching make it a highly appealing alternative to fixed appointments and location-dependant arrangements. In a world of increasing busyness and overbooked schedules, the flexible options available when coaching via e-mail can bring a welcome dose of relief, calm, and breathing space to the workday.

While there’s still a place for in-person, video or phone coaching – they each have their own benefits – it’s clear that E-mail Coaching is moving out of the shadow and into the light as a viable and valuable coaching option, one that’s well-placed to adapt to the inevitable shifts and changes in the years ahead.

Could you be an E-mail Coach? 

As the field of coaching realigns in light of social trends and new business practices, there’s a great deal of potential for new email coaches to enter the arena.

At its heart, Email Coaching, like all the other modalities, will still require sound coaching skills and a professional approach. Yet, this format lends itself beautifully to new coaches who are looking to hone their skills in a way that works for their lifestyles, their business goals and of course, their clients.

This field of coaching is particularly perfect for people who love to communicate via the written word, i.e. those who love to write. In a world where people are spending more and more time on Zoom calls or phone calls or racing from meeting to meeting, the prospect of taking some quiet time to connect via email can be a healing balm for many weary workers.

As well as appealing to writers of all stripes, E-mail Coaching is undoubtedly the most introvert-friendly form of coaching.

Whether you’re an introvert yourself and express yourself best in the privacy of a 1:1 written connection, or you’d like to work as a coach supporting other introverted types, the Email Coaching format creates a safe space for more honesty and expression that can be crucial for many people to really open up and connect.

In addition to its appeal to word-lovers and quiet types, E-mail Coaching is also perfect for those seeking more freedom from a packed schedule or a day full of fixed appointments.

By its very nature – i.e. no appointments or specific meetings – the flexibility inherent in Email Coaching allows you to set your hours, so that you can design your optimum workdays, integrate family life, or try out that semi-retired lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of.

Whatever the biggest appeal to you, there are many ways to design an Email Coaching business that works with your strengths, your ambitions and your vision for a healthier, happier life.

While the precise future of coaching remains to be seen, one thing is certain – with social structures changing more rapidly than ever, many people are seeking more control over their income, their schedules, and their quality of life.

So, if you feel called to share your expertise and offer your services as a coach, you may find that this blossoming branch of coaching could be a perfect fit for your personality, skillset, lifestyle and career vision.