What To Know To Become A Bartender

If you’re thinking about becoming a bartender, there are a few things you need to learn. From the basics of mixology to dealing with difficult customers, here are 6 things every aspiring bartender should know.

Learn The Basics Of Mixology

Bartending is a craft, and you need to know the basics of creating drinks and mixing ingredients if you want to become a good bartender. This starts with mixology – the art and science of making drinks. Mixology is more than simply pouring a beer or mixing up a vodka tonic; it requires knowledge of different spirits, liqueurs, bitters, and other ingredients. Take some time to learn the fundamentals of mixology so you can create delicious drinks for your customers.

Understand Your Liquor Knowledge

Before you become a bartender, you should have a good understanding of all the different types of liquors and what they taste like. Plus, having an in-depth knowledge of liquors will make it easier for you to create and mix drinks for customers. For example, if a customer orders a Martini, you’ll need to know which type of gin or vodka they prefer and how dry or wet they want it. Learning the flavors of different liquors will make your job much easier.

Understand The Laws And Regulations In Your Area

Bartending is a regulated industry, so you must understand the laws and regulations in your area. This includes things like serving size limits. Make sure you have a thorough understanding of these rules before you take on any bartending job.

Practice Different Types Of Drinks

You should also practice making different types of drinks, from simple to complex. Doing this will help you develop your skill and knowledge as a bartender. Plus, it can give you a better understanding of the craft so that when you are behind the bar, you know exactly what to do naturally, without feeling flustered.

Develop A Good Memory

Memory is an essential part of bartending, especially when it comes to remembering orders and drinks. As a bartender, you’ll need to be able to recall ingredients quickly and accurately in order to mix the right cocktails for customers. You can practice memorizing by making lists or using mnemonic devices.

Know How To Deal With Difficult Customers

No matter how much experience you have, dealing with difficult customers is part of being a bartender. You’ll need to be able to stay calm and to professionally handle customer complaints. Learning customer service skills will be key in these situations.

Stay Up-To-Date With Trends

It’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in the bartending industry. Knowing what’s popular and what’s not will help you keep your menu fresh and interesting for customers. Plus, it can also help you come up with new ideas for drinks.

Frequently Asked Bartending Questions

Below are answers to some of the most common questions aspiring bartenders ask.

Do I Need A License To Become A Bartender? 

Yes, most states require bartenders to have a license. You can usually obtain a bartender’s license from your local government or liquor board. Every state has its own laws and regulations, however, so you’ll need to look into the specific requirements where you live.

What Should I Wear As A Bartender?

When it comes to what you should wear as a bartender, the dress code will vary depending on the establishment. In general, smart casual attire is usually acceptable. However, in some establishments, it may be required for bartenders to wear a uniform. On the other hand, If you work in a dive bar, it may be more appropriate to dress down or wear your regular clothing.

What Are The Benefits Of Being A Bartender?

There are many benefits to being a bartender. First and foremost is the opportunity to build relationships with customers and colleagues. Secondly, bartending can be a lucrative profession if done correctly. Additionally, bartenders gain valuable experience in the hospitality industry and a unique skill set. Lastly, being a bartender can be an enjoyable career path, as you will get to meet interesting people and create delicious drinks.

Bartending is an exciting career that requires skill and knowledge. There are several online mixology courses you can take to learn the basics. A Bar Above is a great resource for those looking to learn more about mixology. Once you have the necessary skills, practice your craft and stay up-to-date with trends to become a successful bartender. With dedication and hard work, you can make bartending your career. Good luck!