After Getting Engaged, What’s Next?

After Getting Engaged, What’s Next?

Congratulations on your engagement! This is the moment you’ve been dreaming of—you have an engagement ring and you’re getting married. It’s surreal, but it’s really happening. As a new fiancé, you may be asking yourself, “What do I do now that I’m engaged?” Don’t worry, we’re here to help alleviate any stress. Planning a wedding is a process that doesn’t have to start immediately after you say “yes” to your significant other.

The time following the proposal can be overwhelming with so much to think about, people to contact, and tasks to complete. But don’t fret, you have plenty of time to plan the rest of your lives together. Before you rush to post an Instagram selfie of your new ring or start panicking about wedding planning, there are a few important steps to take first.

While every couple’s timeline is different, it can be confusing to know where to begin. You might be wondering who to tell, when to have an engagement party, or which planning tasks to tackle first. Fortunately, we have the answers you need. Check out our top tips to help start your wedding planning experience.

Celebrate with Your Fiancé

Rather than rushing to tell your loved ones, it’s important to take a moment with your new fiancé. Enjoy a glass of Champagne at your favorite bar, or celebrate with the bubbly your partner may have brought along in anticipation of your “yes.” It’s crucial to savor this time before diving into wedding planning and before sharing the news with others.

You don’t have to rush into wedding planning right away; it’s actually a good idea to take some time to unwind before jumping into the nitty-gritty details. Consider celebrating your engagement with an intimate party or taking a trip together to relax and bond. If you have a shorter engagement or are working within a specific timeline, however, you may need to start planning sooner. Remember, though, that the decision should ultimately be based on what feels right for you and your partner, not external pressure.

Share the News with Your Parents and Others

After your partner has proposed and the ring is on your finger, it’s up to you whether you want to share the news right away or keep it to yourself for a little while. Unless you want to keep it a secret, the next step is to share the joyous news with others. The timing of this announcement is entirely up to the couple – some might want to shout it from the rooftops right away, while others may prefer to keep it under wraps for a little while.

However, before making the news public on social media, there are a few people who should be notified first, such as your parents and immediate family, followed by extended family and friends. If you happen to be out of the country when you get engaged and can’t wait to share the news, try to connect to Wi-Fi so you can Facetime your loved ones and let them in on the excitement.

It’s important that they hear the news from you personally rather than find out through social media. Your parents might even be expecting your call and already know what’s going on. Don’t let them be the last to know; reach out to them directly and share your joyful announcement. Once these important people have been informed, feel free to share the news on social media with an adorable Instagram caption to accompany your “just engaged” post.

Insure Your Ring

Ensure your peace of mind by speaking with an insurance agent about getting coverage for your engagement ring. To start, get your ring appraised by an independent gemologist and review the terms of the policy with the jeweler to make sure you understand everything. Find out the specifics of the coverage, including whether it protects against loss, theft, or damage, any requirements, and the length of the claims process.

If necessary, you may be able to add a jewelry rider to your existing renter’s or homeowner’s policy, or take out a separate policy altogether. While it may not be the most romantic part of your engagement, having insurance could save you from a lot of trouble and expense down the line. Plus, it’s typically quite affordable as an add-on to your existing policy.

It’s Time to Plan

Allocating dedicated time to wedding planning with your partner is essential to make sure you’re both on the same page. However, it’s important to balance the planning with quality time spent together with your partner. Designating specific times for it can ensure you make progress together without it dominating your time as a couple.

This approach can help prevent confusion and miscommunication, allowing both of you to tackle specific tasks without overlapping efforts. Remember, clear and open communication is crucial to successful wedding planning.

Set the Budget

Before diving into wedding planning, it’s important to establish a clear understanding of your financial situation. Take the time to determine what you and your partner can afford and whether your families are willing to contribute. Make sure you and your partner are on the same page regarding your wedding priorities before discussing logistics and budget with your parents.

Use a Wedding Planner app. It’s a handy tool that can help you keep everything in one place, from your registry to your wedding website and your vendor list. Once you have a clear vision in mind, you’ll be able to choose a date and venue, as well as assemble your team of vendors. The app can also help you stay on top of less-exciting details, such as managing your budget breakdown and tracking RSVPs.

Imagine the Kind of Wedding You Want

Make an overall vision for your wedding day. Take some time to imagine the kind of celebration you and your fiancé desire, whether it’s a fairy tale-inspired affair or something that reflects your current style, with your lace robes and all. While you may have your heart set on a traditional ballroom reception, exploring other options, such as a beachside ceremony or a casual Sunday brunch, could provide some unexpected inspiration.

Think about the mood and atmosphere you want to create and consider the time of day that will work best for your event. If you’re unsure where to begin, sit down with your partner and go through a list of 20 questions to spark some ideas.

Create a List of Invitations

After setting the budget, the next step is to decide whom you will invite to the wedding. If the thought of deciding who to include on the guest list is causing financial strain or family disputes, consider cutting back. If you are unsure about inviting someone, ask yourself if you would invite them over for dinner. If not, it’s best to skip the invitation.

It’s crucial to be on the same page about the guest list, whether you want a large or small wedding. If family members are involved in the planning process or contribute to the budget, get their input from the venue to the attire, including the wedding dress, bridesmaid robes, and even the groom’s. Once you’ve determined a rough estimate of how many guests you’ll invite and what your budget is, you can start looking for a venue.

Select the Venue

Selecting the perfect wedding venue is an important decision that can affect various aspects of your special day, such as the ambiance and even the attire, from the wedding dress to the mother of the bride robe. To ensure you find the right venue, it’s recommended that you explore multiple options and keep an open mind.

Don’t limit yourself to the venue you think you want without exploring other options—you might be surprised by what you discover. Keep in mind that you can’t finalize a date until you secure a venue that you’re excited about. Start your search online or reach out directly to venues that you have in mind to get more information about pricing and availability.

It sounds like a dream come true—to finally be engaged and walk the aisle yourself. But there are some things you have to take into account right after it. Make it a joyous journey with your partner!