Looking for a partner after Corona: What does dating feel like after Covid-19?

Looking for a partner after Corona: What does dating feel like after Covid-19?

Covid has had a massive impact on how we interact in our relationships and in our romantic endeavours.

The desire for intimate connections and affection is one of the basic needs of every human being. This is why finding a partner often plays a crucial role in life. Even under “normal” circumstances, finding the right partner is not easy. It is obvious to everyone that a drastic event like the Corona pandemic has an impact on the search for a partner. We have to keep our distance, limit our contacts and are generally more cautious.

How does dating feel after one year of Corona? A new survey conducted by Datinghive about dating during Corona shows that most singles have adapted quite well. Around 35% said they had adapted well. Of course, there are still concerns. Almost 31% of respondents agreed with the statement that the situation has caused them lingering anxiety. Nevertheless, singles in the UK are confident about the future: 29% are optimistic that things will get better again.

Face-to-face meetings in times of Covid-19

There are various ways and means of getting to know each other. After a certain point, the most popular is probably a face-to-face meeting. The results of the online survey on “Meeting in the Corona Pandemic” show that almost 74% of people want to meet their potential partner in person as much as possible, even during Covid-19. 10% said they would prefer not to meet during this time.

But while the desire for face-to-face contact remains high, singles are still cautious. About half of singles would like to get to know a person better before the first meeting in order to better assess how the other person feels about the current situation and to be able to weigh up the general situation. 15% maintain the necessary minimum distance when meeting in person, and for 9% of respondents a date during Corona is only possible with a face mask. Compared to last year, the willingness to meet in person has increased slightly, but the results still show that safety is still very important to British singles when dating during Corona.

Tenderness in times of a pandemic

What are the reasons currently influencing the search for a partner? This question was also put to the participants in the survey, and the answer was clear: 78%. Most singles said that the desire for intimacy was playing a major role in their current search for a partner. The desire for stability also increases with the uncertainty of the current situation. 11% of singles in the UK would even like to actively distract themselves from the pandemic. So the need for intimacy and tenderness is still there.

So how do singles feel about kissing on dates or exchanging touch or tenderness during the Corona pandemic. About a third of respondents said it would depend on how well they knew the other person. Almost 24% said they would be more reserved and careful on a date than they were before Corona. Only 12% of singles would kiss after the first meeting. Almost half of singles would currently wait until after the second or third date before kissing for the first time. At present, 13% of respondents would give up kissing and touching altogether.

Covid-Buddies: Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

It’s a well-known fact that you can’t always agree 100% and be on the same page. But some things seem to be more important than others. Whether a person puts their cereal in the bowl first or pours the milk first, most people can overlook that. For other things, however, unity plays a significant role. For 66% of people looking for a partner during Covid-19, it is an important criterion that their potential partner has a similar attitude towards contact restrictions and government imposed measures. In the survey a year ago, this was also a decisive factor for 62%. 

Overall, even a full year after Covid-19 restrictions have been reduced significantly, the short- to midterm affects on British singles attitudes towards dating has been greatly impacted.