Examples of Successful Link Building Campaigns

Examples of Successful Link Building Campaigns

Link building is an essential component of any successful SEO strategy. However, not all link building campaigns are created equal. Put together by an Atlanta SEO company, this article takes a look at five examples of successful link building campaigns to inspire your own efforts.

The Skyscraper Technique by Brian Dean

Brian Dean is a well-known SEO expert, and his Skyscraper Technique is one of the most effective link building strategies out there. The idea behind the technique is to find popular content in your niche, create something even better, and then reach out to websites that have linked to the original content and ask them to link to your improved version. This strategy works because it provides value to both the website owner and the audience, and it has been used by many successful companies to build high-quality backlinks.

The Link Reclamation Campaign by Moz

Link reclamation is the process of finding and fixing broken links that point to your website. Moz, a leading SEO software company, used this strategy to great effect by identifying broken links to their website using a tool called Fresh Web Explorer. They then reached out to the website owners and asked them to replace the broken link with a link to Moz’s website. This campaign resulted in a significant increase in high-quality backlinks to Moz’s website.

The Broken Link Building Campaign by Ahrefs

Ahrefs, another SEO software company, used a variation of the link reclamation campaign to build high-quality backlinks to their website. They used their tool to find broken links on other websites in their industry and then reached out to the website owners and asked them to replace the broken link with a link to Ahrefs’ website. This campaign resulted in a significant increase in high-quality backlinks to Ahrefs’ website.

The Guest Posting Campaign by Buffer

Buffer, a social media scheduling tool, used a guest posting campaign to build high-quality backlinks to their website. They reached out to other websites in their industry and offered to write high-quality guest posts in exchange for a link back to their website. This campaign resulted in a significant increase in high-quality backlinks to Buffer’s website, as well as increased visibility and brand recognition in their industry.

The Scholarship Campaign by Blue Corona

Blue Corona, a digital marketing company, used a scholarship campaign to build high-quality backlinks to their website. They offered a scholarship to students in their industry and reached out to universities and colleges to promote the scholarship. This campaign resulted in a significant increase in high-quality backlinks to Blue Corona’s website, as well as increased visibility and brand recognition in their industry.

In conclusion, successful link building campaigns come in many different shapes and sizes. The Skyscraper Technique, link reclamation, broken link building, guest posting, and scholarship campaigns are all effective strategies that have been used by successful companies to build high-quality backlinks to their websites. When planning your own link building campaign, it’s important to remember that building relationships with other websites in your industry is key, and providing value to both the website owner and the audience is essential. By focusing on these principles and taking inspiration from successful campaigns, you can build a strong backlink profile that improves your website’s search engine rankings and drives traffic to your site.