Survey from Friend-Matching App Azar Reveals 70% of Gen Z Students Experience Weekly Loneliness While Studying

Survey from Friend-Matching App Azar Reveals 70% of Gen Z Students Experience Weekly Loneliness While Studying

Newly released data indicates that a significant 70% of university students face feelings of loneliness at least once a week while pursuing their education. This insight comes from a survey conducted by Azar, a social platform, in collaboration with Censuswide, targeting Gen Z university students.

In response to these concerning findings, Azar has embarked on a mission to foster connections and combat loneliness among students. To achieve this, they have partnered with the talented UK artist Tess Smith-Roberts to curate an engaging and uplifting art installation within the bathrooms of three prominent universities in Birmingham. This unique initiative aims to inspire students within their safe space to connect with one another.

The captivating art takeover at the University of Birmingham, along with smaller replicas at Aston and Birmingham City Universities, seeks to transform the bathroom environment into a positive and encouraging space. It incorporates vibrant colors, bold shapes, and cheerful characters, providing students with words of affirmation and reassurance that they are not alone in their emotions.

Recognizing that students often find solace in music concerts for building human connections, Azar has integrated QR codes within the artwork. These codes allow students to easily download the Azar app, connect with potential new friends, and have the opportunity to win exclusive free tickets to an upcoming performance at the University of Birmingham.

Tess Smith-Roberts, the creative force behind the art mural, shared her inspiration: “We aimed to transform the bathroom, which can serve as an escape for young people, into a positive space adorned with uplifting illustrations. I utilized my signature bright colors, bold shapes, and cheerful characters to achieve this. Hopefully, this artwork will encourage people to engage with it. Loneliness is a challenge many young people face, especially when transitioning to university or navigating adulthood. Making friends can be daunting, and I believe this project can help facilitate new friendships for individuals.”

In essence, Azar’s commitment to addressing loneliness among students is not only admirable but also creative, leveraging the power of art to foster connections and offer a helping hand to those in need.