How to Make Your Holiday Feel More Luxurious for Less

How to Make Your Holiday Feel More Luxurious for Less

When planning our holidays, we often have to make a compromise between affordability and luxury. But in many cases, you can compromise just a little bit of the former in return for an appreciable amount of the latter. Let’s take a look some of the best bang-for-buck upgrades you might consider to make your holiday feel considerably more luxurious.

Pick the Right Destination

Certain parts of the world are inherently more luxurious than others. Certain parts of the world are more expensive. Take a long look at the cost of living in your prospective destinations, and select accordingly. Your money is likely to go a great deal further in Prague than it might do in Bruges, for example. Your priorities as a tourist will be as unique as you are. So don’t go for a cookie-cutter trip; decide in advance what your priorities are and book accordingly.

Upgrade your Plane Ticket

Waiting around at the airport will constitute a few hours of your trip – but if you make the upgrade to the premium-quality lounge, then this time is sure to fly by. Depending on who you’re flying with, you’ll get complementary food and drink, and plenty of legroom on the flight itself. If you’re willing to take a chance, you might find that you can blag an upgrade on the day – just ask about it when you come to check-in.


The cost of a holiday can quickly spiral if you allow yourself to spend money as you go. With a little bit of planning in advance, you’ll be able to reign in your spending on frivolous things, so that you can splash out where it really matters. If you do this, you’ll be able to remove the stress that comes with spending money quickly – as you’ll have already prepared yourself for the expenditure. Preparing in this way will also allow you to pick up those little items that add up to a luxurious-feeling holiday: fresh flowers, quality wine, and highly-rated restaurants will all make your trip feel that much more luxurious.

Stay in a Private Villa

If you’re accustomed to a bustling hotel, then making the switch to a private villa can seem like an enormous change. Sure, you’ll need to cater to yourself and do your own cleaning up – but in return, you’ll get your own private space, and you won’t need to share the pool with complete strangers. For best results, book with a reputable company like Villa Plus.

Look in Credit Card Perks

Certain sorts of credit cards will confer perks normally reserved for the world’s high-rollers. Uber rides, free admission to hundreds of attractions, and access to airport lounges (we’ll touch more upon those momentarily): it all comes with the right card. Moreover, a travel credit card will allow you to draw money overseas without having to contend with a punitive exchange-rate.