Top tips on how to care for Arabian horses

Top tips on how to care for Arabian horses

Arabian horses are one of the most popular horse breeds, perfect for beginners and children. These are the top tips on how to best care for this type of horse. 

People adore Arabian horses for many reasons. Not only are they the first-ever domesticated breed of horse, but they also have a small stature and are renowned for their intelligence. Their small size makes them seem less intimidating than other breeds, and they are ideal for racing or simply riding for pleasure.

Are Arabian horses well-behaved?

An Arabian horse is only likely to misbehave or become aggressive if it is abused or is spoiled. The best way to treat an Arabian horse is to adopt a ‘firm but fair’ approach. Arabians have a kinder, calmer temperament than many other horse breeds, making them ideal for beginners and children. For those thinking of buying an Arabian horse or simply taking horse lessons, an online marketplace such as Horses Middle East is the perfect starting point for researching.

Arabian horse care tips

Take time getting to know your Arabian horse

It may take a while for you to work out the best way to approach and treat your Arabian horse. After a few weeks or months have passed, you will know what kind of treatment they respond to the best. Some attempts at reinforcement may be more effective than others, so a trial-and-error approach might be necessary. If you praise a horse for good behaviour, they will likely behave this way in future.

Don’t start running immediately

Take it slowly when you are getting to grips with your Arabian horse. Rather than galloping with your horse immediately, work your way through stages of walking, trotting, and cantering first. Don’t move onto the next stage until you have mastered the current one.

Establish your relationship

Your horse must know that you are in charge of them, but you should avoid adopting an aggressive approach. Ways to establish your role include tapping their noses when they have misbehaved or moving them when they encroach upon your personal space. Arabian horses tend to understand you more when you communicate with your legs instead of your reins.

Stay safe

Wearing a helmet is essential – if you fail to do this, you could be putting not only yourself but the horse in danger. When you’re first getting to know your Arabian horse, it can be wise to invite a more experienced rider or trainer along so they can advise you on keeping yourself safe. Aim to keep a good balance and hold the reins gently so you don’t catch the horse’s mouth.

Use Essential Equipment 

Using essential equipment like a saddle pad is important for trail riding with Arabian horses to ensure their comfort and well-being. Arabian horses, known for their sensitivity and elegance, benefit significantly from the extra cushioning provided by saddle pads. Trail riding saddle pads absorb shocks, protecting the horse’s back from the varied and sometimes challenging terrains encountered on trails. Moreover, they distribute the rider’s weight evenly, preventing discomfort or potential injuries during extended rides. By incorporating a saddle pad into the essential equipment, riders can enhance the overall experience for both themselves and their Arabian horses, promoting a safer and more enjoyable trail riding adventure.

Keep your horse calm

You may feel very scared when you first start working with your horse, but a trainer should be able to put you and your horse at ease. If your horse becomes nervous, there’s a big chance they will start running. A trainer can help you with this. If your horse starts running during one of your first rides, you could find yourself in a dangerous situation. The calmer your horse is, the less likely it is that something unfortunate will happen.

Take them to the vet

Your horse will need to see a veterinarian on many occasions during their lifetime. It’s important to establish a horse-vet relationship as soon as you can so they can get used to being examined and receiving treatment. Your vet will provide you with in-depth advice on feeding schedules, exercise, and grooming.

Groom your horse

It’s essential to stay on top of grooming so your horse can look their best. Tools that you will need for regular grooming include a curry comb, body finishing brush, mane and tail brush, shedding brush, dandy brush, and hoof pick. Buying a grooming kit can be more cost-effective and easier than purchasing each item individually.

Remove dirt and dust

Make sure you remove all the dirt, dust, and other debris from their coat. Although the idea of grooming a horse can seem daunting at first, it will get easier over time. Grooming also provides you with the perfect opportunity to bond with your horse.

Provide the right pasture

Make sure your Arabian horse has a large pasture that’s big enough for them to roam and graze. Experts recommend providing a pasture of at least an acre. The horse fencing should be at least five feet high to stop them from escaping, and you should make sure all sharp objects are removed.

Shelter your horse

Shelter should always be available, and you can either provide natural shelters such as trees or opt for a shed. Many horses become uncomfortable in hot weather – this is why it can be best to ride your Arabian horse early on the morning or during the evening when the temperature drops. It’s essential to keep your horse hydrated to avoid problems like colic. You may need to provide fresh water more often than usual during the summer months as it can quickly become warm and unpleasant to drink.

Provide fresh, clean water

Fresh clean water stops your horse becoming dehydrated, losing weight, and experiencing colic and kidney problems. Most horses can drink up to 10 gallons of water every day. If you suspect your horse is dehydrated, try to get them to consume some water immediately.

By providing a suitable shelter and pasture, grooming your horse, arranging veterinary care, staying safe and keeping calm, you can ensure your Arabian horse has a fantastic and fulfilling life.