Could Social Media Marketing Help Your Business Bounce Back?

Could Social Media Marketing Help Your Business Bounce Back?

There’s no denying that 2020 was a rough year. As Covid-19 swept across the world, countries were forced into lockdowns, and businesses had to lock up and stop trading. If you’re a brick and mortar shop, you probably had to rethink your entire business model! For a lot of companies, that meant turning to the online world to stay alive.

If you’re looking to grow your business online, there are plenty of marketing techniques to help. From SEO to paid ads, the world of online marketing is a rich one! One of the best ways to start marketing a brand online is through Social Media Marketing, and we’ve got everything you need to know.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social Media Marketing is the promotion of your business using Social Media channels. These include popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest, all of which have a huge audience ready for you to reach. To start marketing your business, all you have to do is set up a profile on your chosen platform and start posting about your brand.

Of course, in reality, it’s a little more complex than that. To begin with, you have to make sure that you’re on the right Social Media platform to reach your target audience, which can take some research. Because you have to have marketing knowledge, many brands opt to work with a Social Media Marketing agency rather than go solo, which is a wise choice. 

What Are the Benefits of Social Media Marketing?

If you’re looking to help your business thrive, Social Media marketing is a great option. There are now almost 4 billion people on Social Media, making it a huge market to tap into. From bookworms to decor-lovers, from teens to parents, pretty much every target audience is on Social Media. It’s also easy to spread brand awareness. You can gain attention by using hashtags, commenting on other posts, and even messaging people directly to say hello. 

Other benefits of Social Media marketing include:

  • Talk directly to your audience 
  • Offer quick customer service help
  • Understand what your customers want through social listening (e.g. the trends they’re discussing)
  • Create a strong brand identity
  • Build customer loyalty

That’s just a small sample of the many perks you might see by hopping on Social Media. If you have the know-how and time, none of them has to cost a penny, either.

Increase Your Online Traffic 

With lockdowns closing shops, driving customers to your online website is a must, but how can Social Media help?

To start with, the benefits above are already going to be helping as you create connections with your audience and build your brand. But there’s more. You can gain referral traffic from your Social Media to your website. By adding links to your profiles, swipe ups to your Instagram stories, and showing off your latest blog posts, you can direct your Social Media users straight to your website. From here, a well-designed site should convert them into a paying customer. 

Pros and Cons of Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is an amazing tool if you know how to use it, and it’s right for your business. It can help you create a stronger brand identity, provide a better customer experience, and grow your audience leading to more sales and bigger profits. But, as with every marketing method, there are some fallbacks.

First of all, it’s absolutely saturated. There are so many other businesses also trying to market themselves on Social Media that it will take a lot to stand out. That brings us to the second downfall; it’s time-consuming. To stand a chance competing on Social Media, you’re going to have to put in the hours, which many business owners don’t have. You’ll also have to monitor your comments regularly to make sure no one’s bashing your services and tarnishing your brand name.

Luckily, you can get around these issues with a good Social Media marketing agency. If you’re serious about marketing on Social Media, getting a team to help you is probably your best option.

Could it Help Your Business Bounce Back?

With so many benefits, there’s no doubt that Social Media marketing can help your business bounce back! While it can’t perform miracles, it gives you access to a huge audience and many targeted marketing methods. Just make sure you have the time to do it properly or hire someone else to do it for you.