Owner of geldthemen.de is facing legal battle against a Social Media Influencer from Dubai

Owner of geldthemen.de is facing legal battle against a Social Media Influencer from Dubai

(Berlin) The owner of geldthemen.de, a website forum where victims of various scams and fraudulent schemes in German speaking countries can express their opinion, is facing a court case against a prominent German Social Media Influencer.

This influencer is accused of defrauding hundreds of businesses and private individuals in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. He operates from his villa in Dubai with a registered company in Sharjah (United Arab Emirates) and has been selling digital educational products. The warranty assurances on these products could not be claimed as promised and refunds were not paid.

According to the Owner of Geldthemen.de, Torsten Gutsche, he has been frequently attacked by various scam firms in recent years, but it is the first time that someone is vigorously trying to shut down his forum with such legal measures. Furthermore, Mr. Gutsche stated “I am confident that we are going to win this case – the voices of victims cannot and should not be silenced, especially during these challenging times.”

Several lawyers are working on behalf of the forum owner during the trial. One of them stated: “We are aware about the delicacy of this case since the other party is a well-known social media influencer who is currently also in a legal dispute with Germany’s state media and other German influencers”. The court in Hamburg has not yet decided on the location of the trial due to the current lockdown.

It is believed that the outcome of this trial will have an impact on the cases of others who are also in a legal dispute with the alleged influencer.

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