Why Is Physical Therapy Important After Car Accident?

Why Is Physical Therapy Important After Car Accident?

With the rising population in Snellville, car accidents from the past few years have increased rapidly. Although car accidents are of different types, they all result in similar damage caused to your body. Some accidents may not show any physical signs of damage, while others can be physically and mentally exhausting. Having no injuries doesn’t mean that you are safe. In fact, a lot of minor car accidents that show no signs of visible injuries can cause chronic health complications. Physical therapy is one of the most valuable and highly-regarded alternate care treatments for accident victims.

Physical Therapy Assessment and Evaluation

A physical therapist is a highly educated individual who will examine the condition of your body after an accident and prescribe an activity plan. The initial visit with the physical therapist will cover all essential evaluations.

Oral Evaluation

Your therapist will ask you different questions like the extent of pain and any underlying health conditions before the accident. You must be honest with your therapist because certain underlying conditions can worsen your pain.

Physical Evaluation

The second step to a successful evaluation is physical testing. Your therapist will judge your overall health by evaluating these aspects of health:

  • Flexibility
  • Range of motion
  • Changes to posture
  • Mobility and body balance
  • Body to mind coordination
  • Muscle wear and tear
  • Posture

 What Is The Point Of Detailed Evaluation?

When you visit a therapist for evaluation, this is not something to determine whether they are going to treat you or not. As a matter of fact, a detailed health analysis helps them understand your condition better. Your therapist can conduct different tests like heart rate check, blood pressure check, weight, and height.

You will be required to point out the area of pain. They may also use their hands to physically assess the pain. These different motions will help to determine the condition of joints, tissues, and muscles.

What Are Some Benefits Of Seeking Physical Therapy?

Here are some major reasons why you should consider adding physical therapy to your treatment plan:

Faster Recovery

Joining physical therapy sessions following a car crash will help you heal faster. It will help you build muscle and increase your range of motion. When you are injured in a traffic crash, you want to get back to your normal life as soon as possible. Physical therapy will help your body restore stamina, allowing you to show progress and completely heal from your injury in less time. While medicines only provide you with temporary relief, physical therapy will help your body heal faster and more effectively.

Facilitated Recovery

Most patients are quite okay with the time in which they recover from the injury. However, a lot of us do not compromise on the quality of treatment. Physical exercise therapies and assisting you for a quick recovery also support your treatment plan recommended by a general physician. Physical exercise will assist you in reducing or preventing the long-term consequences of your injuries. You may assume that regaining the ability to walk or complete mobility in your arms or wrists is unlikely, but physical therapy may help you heal to the greatest degree possible with your injuries.

Prevents Secondary Injuries

Secondary injuries are usually facilitated by the primary accident injury, and they are quite common after an accident if you don’t take care of your health. A fractured bone may cause you to fall and cause injuries like sprains, bruises, or a complicated form of that fracture. Physical therapy will help you maintain stamina and balance your body to not damage your primary injuries any further. Once you restore your body balance, it will also become a lot easier to navigate around and perform different tasks. A lot of older car accident victims found physical therapy so helpful that it is a regular part of their life now.

Reduces Use of Pain Medicines

Your physician is more likely to prescribe medication for accident injury treatment. This medication is mostly to recover wounds and speed up the healing process. However, taking a lot of medicine may disrupt the natural recovery process of the body. Suppose you are concerned with the constant use of painkillers or are concerned about taking too many painkillers for too long. In that case, physical therapy might be an option. Physical exercise will help you regain your normal strength while still reducing or eliminating the need for pain relievers during the healing period.

Handles Mental Health

Mental trauma is equally disturbing as a physical one. Many people who do not even have a single injury can go through serious post-traumatic stress disorder. Other than that, symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression are quite common after the accident. Physical therapy can be your savior if you really want to stay calm mentally and not develop a lifelong phobia towards automobiles. Exercising with a therapist will produce endorphins in your body that can help you recover much quicker and handle the post-accident stress in a much better way.

Well-maintained Lifestyle

Some accident injuries can result in lifelong lifestyle changes and permanent damage. While you cannot do anything to fix the problem completely, changing your lifestyle can certainly help you live an active life. If you have injuries that may last forever, finding the right program to manage them is going to help you a lot. The thing to notice here is that you cannot remain dependent on medication for your entire life. Physical therapy is one of the very few methods to establish a healthy routine in your life following the accident.

Easily File For Compensation

If you do not undergo physical therapy, the opposing party will argue that you are not concerned about treating your injuries. They should contend that you are not doing enough to treat your injuries and heal.

Attending physical therapy demonstrates that you are adhering to your doctor’s orders and are concerned for your recovery. Regularly attending your counseling appointments and meeting your care provider’s advice will demonstrate to the other side that you are serious about the medication and the lawsuit. Physical therapy is actually regarded as a medical expense, and you will be compensated for it by the other party.

Tips To Take Successful Physical Therapy Sessions

In order to successfully take physical therapy sessions, here are some useful tips to consider:

  • Wear comfortable clothes that allow you to remain mobile during the session. Instead of going in formals, wear sweat pants and t-shirts.
  • Wear short-sleeved clothes, especially if your moves are related to the motion of your arms.
  • If you want to improve your range of motion and flexibility even better, visit a chiropractor in Snellville, GA.


Car accidents are becoming quite common in Snellville because of the increasing population. Physical therapy is an important alternate care therapy for those who are looking for quick recovery. Your physical therapist will evaluate your present situation through oral assessment and physical tests. Taking regular therapy will eliminate the root cause of injuries and also help you maintain coordination between your mind and body. Just make sure that you are well-prepped for the sessions. You can take chiropractic sessions to boost the treatment and do not hide anything from your therapist.