Protectors Of The People – How Cleaning Companies Are Helping Reopen After COVID 19 Lockdowns

Protectors Of The People – How Cleaning Companies Are Helping Reopen After COVID 19 Lockdowns

COVID-19 brought the world to a standstill. People stayed home. Entire workforces changed from office working environments to remote working where possible and the world seemingly changed overnight. While the majority of us stayed home, there were still a great deal on the front line, many of whom were previously invisible and often taken for granted. Cleaning teams who previously worked unsocial hours for minimum wage, were suddenly under the spotlight; the unsung heroes of this pandemic and for the last year or more, they have remained so.

In the fight against COVID-19, cleaners became our best form of defence, ensuring our public spaces were clean and sanitised, from hospitals to schools, offices to supermarkets and even in domestic homes across the nation. And just as they helped us through the pandemic, commercial cleaners are once again becoming the protectors of the people and helping our nation reopen after the most recent COVID-19 lockdowns.

Cleaning Companies To The Rescue

The demand for cleaning services surged at the very beginning of the pandemic and did not appear to slow at all, especially as local authorities enforce new rules and regulations for businesses to remain open. Now more than ever, professional cleaning regimes have become integral to the smooth and safe running and operations of a business, which means our cleaning teams are vital to the opening of businesses, companies and subsequently, our country following this unprecedented pandemic.

Keeping Your Workforce Safe As We Reopen After COVID-19

While lockdown restrictions may be easing, it’s no surprise that we must continue in the fight against this virus, especially as new variants are continuing to emerge. While millions may be receiving their vaccinations to give them further protection, it’s still so important that we do what we can to keep our workforce safe as we begin reopening.

Whether you’re a restaurant who’s recently begun welcoming more people into your premises or a shop, salon, warehouse or something else entirely that’s recently welcomed back staff and patronage, it’s imperative that all continue doing what can be done as restrictions lift and the nation ventures into a more normal way of living. It’s at this point, and of course the foreseeable future where cleaning companies will help us reopen in a safe and steady manner by allowing us to continue welcoming customers and visitors to our premises and essentially help us continue to carry out our services without contributing to the spread of this virus.

Keeping our workforce and visiting customers safe will not only help us remain open but help us avoid yet another lockdown that for many, could ultimately prove fatal to their business.

Stay On The Right Side Of The Law With Professional Cleaning Services

In order to step up our abilities to fight this pandemic, local authorities have very rightly set new guidelines to ensure all businesses are doing what they need to do in order to protect their staff and clientele as well as help stop the spread of this disease.

Once again, this is where professional cleaning companies are proving to be worth their weight in gold as they step in and provide the cleaning services, both regular and specialised, in order to help businesses stay on the right side of the law.

From ventilation ductwork cleaning to deep kitchen cleaning and even antiviral fogging sanitisation cleaning; there are a plethora of cleaning services available to any business, be it a retail outlet or a fast food chain to ensure you’re staying within government guidelines. What’s more, with a professional cleaning company providing these services, businesses will have the peace of mind that they’ll be provided with the relevant paperwork to show on ad hoc inspections as well as for their insurance should it ever be required during a claim.

Reassuring Your Customers With Regular Cleaning

While keeping your staff and clientele safe is of paramount importance, it’s also important that businesses get that clientele back in order to get back on their feet after what can only be described as a rather tough 15 months. Once again, this is where cleaning companies will prove invaluable, as they provide the necessary cleaning services to help companies reassure customers that all is well. Whether it’s through well displayed certification or even cleaning attendees in the sight of clientele, providing reassurance where it’s needed.

The Unsung Heroes On The Front Line

Cleaners will be nothing short of vital to all businesses as we begin to reopen after COVID-19. Rightly so, we will see them in the spotlight as they show themselves to be the unsung heroes of this pandemic, battling this virus as they have done for the last 15 months. What’s more, they’ll continue to do so in order for everyone else to get back to a normal way of living. Without these cleaning companies providing us with the professional standards of cleaning we need to continue fighting this disease while getting our country back on its feet, another lockdown would quite simply be inevitable.

Contact The Professionals Today

If you’d like the help of a professional cleaning service, as your company ventures out into a world without lockdowns, without restrictions, we recommend contacting the incredible Grease Gone today. Grease Gone are one of the UK’s leading commercial cleaners, providing a myriad of professional and specialist cleaning services as well as outsourcing facilities management and more. Grease Gone have continued providing their specialist cleaning services throughout lockdowns, to help ensure numerous businesses are providing a suitable environment for both staff and customers and will continue to do so as we emerge from this lockdown. Grease Gone provides well trained and well paid cleaners, keeping all services in-house thus ensuring you know exactly who you’re working with as well as ensuring some of the most affordable prices around.

By utilising professional cleaning companies, one of the most treasured visible assets for any business right now, companies will reap the rewards. Call Grease Gone today on 020 88663 413 and take your first step toward a safe and secure reopening.