Saturday, September 14, 2024

Advantages of hiring remote talent for digital solutions

Advantages of hiring remote talent for digital solutions

Have you still not opted for remote talent in your company? Since 2009, the number of people working from home has increased by around one 159% and this growth is expected to be even more pronounced in the years to come.

However, only 16% of companies globally are fully remote.

It is important to analyse the main advantages of hiring remote talent so that you can be clear about how it can help you with your company.

Reasons to hire remote talent in digital solutions

1.    Productivity increases

A study created by Stanford University (in which it studied remote and office-based employees for 2 years at a company in China) concluded that people who worked from their homes were up to 13% more productive than those who did not.

This can be explained by many reasons:

  • You cannot be late due to traffic conditions or the weather.
  • Not so much time wasted on lunches.
  • Also, at home there are usually not so many distractions, so it is normal for employees to work with more concentration.

2.    Reduces absenteeism

Remote staff are less likely to get sick. This is because they are not exposed to viruses that move around the office, especially in the winter months.

If the employee is sick at home, but it is a mild flu or a very severe illness, he will be able to continue carrying out his activity without infecting the rest of his colleagues. It is an effective way of keeping to working hours, of continuing to receive the same salary, and of not aggravating their state of health by having to go out on the streets.

3.    It’s easier to retain talent

Over time, employees experience certain frictions in their work that make them think about expanding their horizons. By working from home, those frictions are greatly reduced, reducing the number of times employees change jobs.

Statistics show that around 95% of companies saw their staff turnover drop by around 25% after implementing teleworking.

In addition, the employee will spend less time looking at job offers, carrying out personnel selection processes and other related tasks. Instead, they are likely to spend their time learning, from which the company will benefit.

4.    Hiring without barriers

With physical hiring we had the problem of being able to find the perfect candidate for a project, but not being able to hire him because he lives too far from the office. It is possible that we could not offer him a salary so high that he would move, or that he would not, even if we paid him enough.

Things change completely with hiring of remote talent.

Through this formula it is possible to find the talent we are looking for anywhere in the world, without being limited to nearby places. This allows us to expand the offer, both in quantity and quality.

It will be much easier for the candidate to accept as he/she will not have to move house.

5.    Reduced office expenses

A 2018 report on US businesses found that companies already operating remotely had saved a total of $5 billion (together).

This is due to the fact that remote work allows significant savings in renting an office, hiring internet or various services, as well as in employee benefits (for example, in company cars, paying for gasoline, parking, etc.) .

Doing the appropriate calculations, this could mean a saving of more than €10,000 per employee per year.

In addition, according to statistics from PGI News, many workers would be willing to charge up to 5% less for working remotely or considering how much they would save on daily expenses (for example, on gasoline).

6.    Minimises stress

Those workers who work remotely or who, at least, work one day of the week at home (semi presencial day), claim to be happier in their jobs than those who have a physical job.

A study carried out by OWLLabs confirmed that 24% of employees who work at least 1 day from home are less stressed.

This is because they have better time management: they will have more time to eat better, to play sports, to be more motivated, to increase their self-esteem etc. They will be able to better manage their family and work obligations, among other benefits of interest.

All this will improve the profitability of the company.

And these are just some of the most important advantages of hiring remote talent.