7 Do’s And Don’ts Of Buying Property

7 Do’s And Don’ts Of Buying Property

After careful thinking, you have finally decided to buy your first home as a property investment. Isn’t it? Well, congratulations! It is a big step for anyone, and it is unquestionably not an easy decision to make. Between the constant debate regarding buying or renting a property in 2021. If you have come to a buying decision, you need to be cautious.

It is because the economic condition is yet not stable. The real estate industry is suffering, and the prices of properties in the market are sky-rocketing. Therefore, if you are thinking of buying a home in 2021, do keep these dos and don’ts in mind.

Do’s of buying property in 2021

  1. Do save money

Saving money when buying any property is the first step. You may take out a loan to pay for the property, but you still need to pay the down payment. Also, there are multiple other costs that you need to bear once you buy a house or an office, like décor & furniture.

Moreover, every person you see regarding buying or mortgage will look at your finances. If they do not see any savings or a stable source of income, it will be challenging for them.

  1. Do inspect the neighborhood and location before agreeing to the house

If you plan this to be your forever home and raise kids here, you must investigate the neighborhood and location minutely. You do not want to compromise on the location. It needs to be safe and in a place with easy access to basic amenities like hospitals, offices, malls, schools, grocery shops, and so on.

Also, the neighborhood matters! You do not want to stay in an area where fights or other mis-happenings keep happening regularly.

These are the things that you can never compromise on. If you find a safe location but have to compromise on design a bit, do it.

  1. Do make a budget

Having a budget in mind is imperative when buying any property. It will ensure that you do not go overboard. When making a budget, it is essential to window shop first. Look at the various designs and make a list of designs or things you want in your house, like an open garden or two balconies.

Know the prices of houses with such things. Or, if you are buying a house, you may look at prices for offices with multiple designs. Doing this will give you an estimate of a realistic budget. It will ensure that you can set one as per your finances as well.

  1. Do check the quality of the products

The quality of the materials used in making any property is one thing that matters a lot. Sure, aesthetic and interior matter a ton. However, quality matters a lot too, as premium quality of materials ensures its durability and that it lasts long.

So, enquire about the materials and products used while construction to ensure a forever home.

Don’ts of buying a property

  1. Don’t take loan from anyone

Whether you are buying a home or a big property, it is of utmost importance that you take a loan from a reliable source. Do not take a loan from any person who claims to provide it at a great interest rate. Either go to a bank or take a loan from a company that has credibility.

Do your research before taking a loan, and make sure that you keep every document safe with you.

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask questions

Do not be afraid to ask questions from the realtor or the person who owns the building. Any queries you have about the property are something you need to clarify before you start paying for it. Make a list of questions beforehand, and make sure you ask every single one of them.

  1. Don’t write off any property

Several times we write off the property after one single view of it. However, that is not the right attitude. Consider other things like whether it will be a great property for future extensions and more. All these things help you buy the right property for yourself.

Buying or renting a house or any kind of property in 2021 requires careful analysis of the market and your own finances. However, if you are sure of buying a property, keep these dos and don’ts in mind to ensure you do not tangle yourself in any legal issues.