How Charities Can Increase Volunteers and Donations Online

How Charities Can Increase Volunteers and Donations Online

Charitable organizations are always in need of new and exciting ways to increase awareness, while also bringing in more volunteers and donations. No matter what their causes are, it’s important to make sure they always have enough incoming resources to keep the organization going.


Some of the most traditional methods like print advertising, television commercials and postal mail worked well in the past, but they were also costly and limited in reach.

Now, through the power of the internet and everyone now being more connected than ever before, charitable groups and nonprofits organizations are taking advantage of online awareness and branding like never before.

Today, we are going to take a look at some of the most effective ways to grow a charitable organization through the internet, while also highlighting what’s been working best for other foundations implementing these best practices already.

Build a Following Through Social Media

As more people continue to rely on social media to connect with each other, businesses and brands of all types have also focused their efforts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as well — and we are seeing the same thing take place in the world of charity as well.

Through the use of a Facebook Fan Page and a social media account, charities not only are improving their presence and branding, but they are also increasing their list of contact and a virtual mailing list in the process.

To truly understand the power of charity and social networking, look no further than WE Charity, as they now have more than 3 million fans following their organization across a wide range of social platforms.

With such a massive reach and following in place, organizations can keep their audiences and volunteers updated on the latest events, milestones and crowdfunding events to continually get the necessary resources to those in need. Best of all, setting up and building a following on social media is free!

Be Found in the Search Results

Even with everyone using social media these days, it’s still important to make sure you have a website and are being found in the search results. This is especially true for any organizations that are still focusing on local collections and supporting individuals in different cities around the country.

And when someone is searching for information online, they are ultimately heading right to Google, so it’s also important to make sure your local charity and organization is listed in Google and that you have a “My Google Business” account so you can update and manage all of your information accordingly.

In reference to ranking for various keywords and search phrases, it definitely helps to produce quality content in your website or through a blog. Be sure to link to inner pages on your site and to also share your content on social media.

All of these little things will add up and help your site rank in Google, while also being seen more often for various keywords and search phrases that people might be looking for.

Get Listed on Top Charity Review Sites and Lists

Just as important as having your own site properties and having an active following in the search results, is making sure your charitable foundation is listed on the top charity review sites and directories for other people to see.

Not only will this provide your organization with yet another source for traffic and potential resources, it will also help bring legitimacy to your group, while also giving users an opportunity to review and rate your charity.

Some of the most popular charity review sites and directories are CharityNavigator, CharityWatch and GiveWell. Be sure to visit each to see if your organization is already listed, and if not, be sure to have it added as soon as possible.

Provide Updates, Stories and Case Studies

When trying to grow any type of organization or brand online, it’s important to make sure you have enough information out there so everyone can find what they are looking for.

We’ve already covered the importance of having a website and social profiles, along with getting found in the search engines and charity directories. Now it’s time to make sure you are putting the right type of information out there to help bring in more donors and resources.

The type of content that works best, is real content that can help provide audiences with assurance that your organization and cause are real. Examples of this would be organization updates, success stories from your local or global efforts, and of course any possible case studies or testimonies.

Not all of these are necessary, but each will help in the branding and further awareness of your organization.

The Importance of Growing a Trustworthy Charity Brand Online

With all of these recommended and working methods in place, the process of growing a charitable organization online should be more effective than ever. The important thing to keep in mind here, is that anyone can start an organization of their own, but they also need to put in the time and effort to continually bring in new resources and financial donations.

In addition to each of the methods listed above, there are plenty of opportunities in free media, content creation and social media exposure simply by asking or reaching out to the right person. And of all the ones listed, social media engagement has been most effective for the majority of charities and organizations that are willing to put in the time and effort to get it started.

The best way to get started in the process, is to simply get started. Skim through the list above and see which methods your charitable organization already has in place, and which need to be added.

The more time and effort put into your branding and outreach, the more likely you are to see new volunteers, resources and donations come in.