Hormone Replacement Therapy – Treatment of HGH Deficiency

Hormone Replacement Therapy – Treatment of HGH Deficiency

These are the years of promoting health and beauty treatments. Hormone replacement therapy is one of them. And the specific hormones that the human body is trying to replace today are HGH or Human Growth Hormone.

Basically, human development hormones are responsible for the development of children. But of course, that’s only as long as they can grow. In addition, HGH is involved in many other body functions.

This hormone can increase the strength of both bones and muscles. It can also increase your energy levels, reduce your body fat and even increase your sexual potency. Not only this, with the help of this you can improve the functioning of your heart, kidneys and immune system.

Unfortunately, as you grow older, your levels of human growth hormone decrease. By age 60 or 80, your HGH levels may be four or five times lower than your 20s. With this decrease in the number of growth hormone increases the discomfort caused by the negative effects of the reduction.

If your HGH level is lower than normal, the list of things you can experience includes a decrease in energy levels and an increase in body fat. It can also cause your bones and muscles to weaken. At times, it can even cause you sleep problems, anxiety, and fatigue.

At this point, hormone replacement therapy comes into play. By replacing lost or unproductive growth hormone, its levels return to normal. This allows the hormone to perform its set of bodily functions more efficiently in addition to its developmental functions.

HGH deficiency can also occur at birth. This may be due to a mutated gene or a defective pituitary gland. Either way, this can result in abnormal growth rates, short stature, and delayed puberty in children. These effects can extend into adolescence, and this is probably why HGH treatment was initially only allowed for children with developmental problems.

Recently, however, the importance of HGH in improving health has gained much attention. But then, if you are unable to provide proof that the purpose of injecting HGH into your body is purely for health or medical reasons, you will definitely be denied treatment. In a way, it ensures patient safety which gives you ample reason to consult a physician before arranging for HGH replacement.

If you think you really need hormone replacement therapy, keep in mind: HGH is not for everyone. While this may help you cope with some of the effects of aging, it may not be safe for you to seek treatment due to some medical concerns. So it is very important that you seek the help of a really experienced and competitive therapist to make sure that it can help and that there is no risk to your health.