Special Components And Accessory For Motorcycles

Special Components And Accessory For Motorcycles

Active and passive special components and accessory for motorcycles are very important in trying to reduce the number of accidents and their severity. These types of components are very important and allow the number of victims to be reduced, so it is interesting to know in detail the different safety alternatives that exist for motorcyclists.

Differences Between Active And Passive Safety Elements For Motorcycles

Although all the special components and accessory for motorcycles have the purpose of ensuring that the motorcyclist is unharmed when traveling on the road, it is necessary to divide this type of complement into active or passive depending on its purpose.

The active elements are specially designed to prevent accidents from occurring. They are activated at all times and watch over the motorcyclist, minimizing risk situations. For their part, the passive elements are designed to act in the event of a mishap and serve to reduce the physical damage that the incident may cause.

Active Safety Elements On Motorcycles

Among the safety elements that prevent collisions with a motorcycle, we find:

  • Cornering braking control. Taking the ABS system as a reference, a series of sensors are incorporated that capture parameters such as the inclination, rotation or acceleration of the motorcycle. In this way, the brake pressure is regulated so that there is no risk of a sudden stop that ends with the motorist on the ground.
  • Tire Pressure Control. The wheels are the only element of a motorcycle that touches the asphalt and for that reason they must be taken care of to the maximum. Properly inflated tires will result in more grip and better suspension. For this reason, one of the active safety elements for motorcyclists is focused on ensuring their good condition. Thanks to a series of sensors, the pressure of the valves can be monitored and the pilot warned.
  • Stability check. This innovative system was initially designed for cars, but there are motorcycle models that incorporate it among their equipment options. Thanks to technological advances and an on-board computer, the machinery is able to take into account the situation of the vehicle and adapt to the circumstances to make it more manageable.
  • Dynamic Traction Control. Especially indicated when the pavement provides little grip to the tires. This active safety system for motorcycles allows the rear wheel to receive extra power that improves driving conditions.
  • Electronic suspension adjustment. It acts on various parameters of the suspension and adapts it to the needs of the moment or to the driving sensations that the motorcyclist wants to have.
  • Dynamic lighting. Until now, this active safety accessory for motorcyclists is reserved for high-end models. However, it is not crazy to think that over time it will be expanded to the rest of the models. It allows adapting the intensity of the lights according to the lighting of the road and the inclination of the motorcycle, improving visibility when cornering.

Passive Safety Elements For Motorcyclists

Passive safety elements act when an accident has occurred and provide very important protection. These are accessories that it is better not to use, but that can save lives or prevent the consequences of a collision from being much greater. Among the most attractive are:

  • Helmet. It is an essential passive safety element that is required by law. It is made to protect the skull against a possible blow. It should be used whenever you ride a motorcycle. Although there are different designs, it is necessary to ensure that an approved object is used.
  • Huntress. This accessory not only allows marking style, but it is tremendously useful to avoid abrasions in case the motorcyclist falls on the asphalt. The great variety of styles means that there is always a special model for each person.
  • Gloves. A reflex action when a fall occurs is to put your hands in front to avoid further damage. For that reason, these limbs are often injured when there is an incident. This type of damage can be partially avoided thanks to this passive safety element for motorcyclists.
  • Knee protections. Although it is a complement that many people only associate with high competition, it is very useful to ensure the integrity of a joint as important as the knee, which greatly affects the movement of the entire leg.
  • Neck brace. This collar helps prevent cervical problems. It is widely used by trial fans. It greatly reduces the possibility of becoming disabled.

In addition to these essential safety accessories, it is imperative to highlight the significance of a motorcycle cover. Serving as a vital accessory for every bike owner, it provides protection against moisture, effectively preventing corrosion and electrical problems. Furthermore, the cover acts as a shield against harmful UV rays, safeguarding the bike’s paint, plastics, and rubber components from fading and damage. Additionally, by keeping dust and debris at bay, it ensures the cleanliness and optimal functionality of the bike’s mechanical parts, contributing to a smoother and more efficient ride. A motorcycle cover is an indispensable investment for bike owners, ensuring the long-lasting preservation of their valuable asset.