Get the fun collectible NFT, PixelSaurus, which embraces diversity, inclusivity, disabilities and mental health issues

Get the fun collectible NFT, PixelSaurus, which embraces diversity, inclusivity, disabilities and mental health issues

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) have seen a massive increase in recent years and 2021 was the year that the world slowly began to turn on to them. This led to a whole slew of projects and creators, turning their artistic offerings to the digital world.


PixelSaurus, a company run by British creator, Seb Brook, sought to take NFTs to a whole new level in September through their fun, diverse and inclusive designs. 


Brook spoke to PRFire about his love for Dinosaurs and said:

“My love affair with Dinosaurs began when I was around 11 years old, collecting magazine partworks, which my mum would buy for me, or visiting the Natural History Museum – I just couldn’t get enough. Then in 1993, Jurassic Park was released in cinemas, and I just couldn’t get enough of it.
The years clicked by, and I went to college, got married and had kids, and it wasn’t until 2015, when LEGO (another passion of mine) released their Jurassic World line, that I all of a sudden got back into loving Dinosaurs again. It got so bad that I even re-bought all the original Jurassic Park toys (for nostalgic purposes, of course) and introduced them to my own kids.”


He further explained how he turned his passion to art:

“Then when I heard about the NFT space around August of last year, I knew I had to merge this childhood love of Dinosaurs with the only art I was ever any good at, Pixel art! And so PixelSaurus was born – a fun project that also embraces diversity, inclusivity, disabilities and mental health issues.”


Brook may be the founder of PixelSaurus, but he’s not the only person working on the project. Both his children; 8-year-old Jacob and 11-year-old Amelia, are also part of the project and have had a hand in evolving it.


Brook revealed how his children got involved in the project:

“I remember it was about my second or third day on the project, and I could feel Jacob hovering around me as I was tweaking one of the designs, and he casually suggested a blue body instead of a red body on one of our Brontos. Twenty designs later, and he totally helped me in creating our first batch of designs. My daughter, Amelia, then helped tweak some of the elements for the outline of the PixelSaurus.”


When it comes to price, the PixelSaurus designs range from as little as $40 up to $2500+.  Many collectors are trading them on OpenSea – a popular online marketplace for NFTs.


Supported by a rich website, the project even gives anyone who ‘Adopts’ a PixelSaur through the website or on the marketplace, access to additional content. Users can also mint a PixelSaur via the website, and see its creation and release on the blockchain.
Sharing how different PixelSaurus is, Brook said:

“There is an important word in the NFT community called “Utility”, which basically means bringing some added value to the collector. I wanted to try and do something a little different with PixelSaurus, so we created an unlockable (available at checkout), where people can scan a QR code and unlock their very own PixelSaurus page on our website.”


He also spoke about the launch of their third collection:

“Just recently, with the launch of our third collection (PixelSaurus Tri), we included a revolutionary new utility that allows the user to choose the pronouns for their PixelSaur, as well as personality traits, a job, a disability or a mental health issue. We then lock those into the system, with the pronouns instantly minting to the blockchain meta. We then take those other traits and write them into a backstory for that PixelSaur.”

Each of Seb’s designs live on in the Inner Earth world (a fun take on the Hollow Earth theory), where PixelSaurs live in regions, and have jobs, roles and real life issues. Perhaps most of all, it’s the positive way in which disability and mental health have been platformed to allow collector’s to identify and celebrate themselves through the many designs.


PixelSaurus is already making waves in NFT circles with over 800 sales so far, while spreading a bit of positivity through the cute designs and imaginative backstories. Even if it is 65 million years in the making, a little bit of positivity is just what we all need right now.

PixelSaurus Website:

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